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import SwiftSyntaxMacros
import SwiftSyntaxMacrosTestSupport
import XCTest
// Macro implementations build for the host, so the corresponding module is not available when cross-compiling.
// Cross-compiled tests may still make use of the macro itself in end-to-end tests.
#if canImport(DefaultsMacrosDeclarations)
@testable import DefaultsMacros
@testable import DefaultsMacrosDeclarations
let testMacros: [String: Macro.Type] = [
"ObservableDefault": ObservableDefaultMacro.self
let testMacros: [String: Macro.Type] = [:]
final class ObservableDefaultMacroTests: XCTestCase {
func testExpansionWithMemberSyntax() throws {
#if canImport(DefaultsMacrosDeclarations)
declaration(for: ""),
expandedSource: expectedExpansion(for: ""),
macros: testMacros,
indentationWidth: .tabs(1)
throw XCTSkip("Macros are only supported when running tests for the host platform")
func testExpansionWithDotSyntax() throws {
#if canImport(DefaultsMacrosDeclarations)
declaration(for: ".name"),
expandedSource: expectedExpansion(for: ".name"),
macros: testMacros,
indentationWidth: .tabs(1)
throw XCTSkip("Macros are only supported when running tests for the host platform")
func testExpansionWithFunctionCall() throws {
#if canImport(DefaultsMacrosDeclarations)
declaration(for: "getName()"),
expandedSource: expectedExpansion(for: "getName()"),
macros: testMacros,
indentationWidth: .tabs(1)
throw XCTSkip("Macros are only supported when running tests for the host platform")
func testExpansionWithProperty() throws {
#if canImport(DefaultsMacrosDeclarations)
declaration(for: "propertyName"),
expandedSource: expectedExpansion(for: "propertyName"),
macros: testMacros,
indentationWidth: .tabs(1)
throw XCTSkip("Macros are only supported when running tests for the host platform")
private func declaration(for keyExpression: String) -> String {
class ObservableClass {
var name: String
private func expectedExpansion(for keyExpression: String) -> String {
class ObservableClass {
var name: String {
get {
if objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &Self._objcAssociatedKey_name) == nil {
let cancellable = Defaults.publisher(\#(keyExpression))
.sink { [weak self] in
self?.name = $0.newValue
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &Self._objcAssociatedKey_name, cancellable, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN)
access(keyPath: \.name)
return Defaults[\#(keyExpression)]
set {
withMutation(keyPath: \.name) {
Defaults[\#(keyExpression)] = newValue
private nonisolated(unsafe) static var _objcAssociatedKey_name: Void?