import SwiftCompilerPlugin import SwiftDiagnostics import SwiftSyntax import SwiftSyntaxBuilder import SwiftSyntaxMacros /** Macro declaration for the ``ObservableDefault`` macro. */ public struct ObservableDefaultMacro {} /** Conforming to ``AccessorMacro`` allows us to add the property accessors (get/set) that integrate with ``Observable``. */ extension ObservableDefaultMacro: AccessorMacro { public static func expansion( of node: AttributeSyntax, providingAccessorsOf declaration: some DeclSyntaxProtocol, in context: some MacroExpansionContext ) throws(ObservableDefaultMacroError) -> [AccessorDeclSyntax] { let property = try propertyPattern(of: declaration) let expression = try keyExpression(of: node) let associatedKey = associatedKeyToken(for: property) // The get/set accessors follow the same pattern that @Observable uses to handle the mutations. // // The get accessor also sets up an observation to update the value when the UserDefaults // changes from elsewhere. Doing so requires attaching it as an Objective-C associated // object due to limitations with current macro capabilities and Swift concurrency. return [ #""" get { if objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &Self.\#(associatedKey)) == nil { let cancellable = Defaults.publisher(\#(expression)) .sink { [weak self] in self?.\#(property) = $0.newValue } objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &Self.\#(associatedKey), cancellable, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN) } access(keyPath: \.\#(property)) return Defaults[\#(expression)] } """#, #""" set { withMutation(keyPath: \.\#(property)) { Defaults[\#(expression)] = newValue } } """# ] } } /** Conforming to ``PeerMacro`` we can add a new property of type Defaults.Observation that will update the original property whenever the UserDefaults value changes outside the class. */ extension ObservableDefaultMacro: PeerMacro { public static func expansion( of node: SwiftSyntax.AttributeSyntax, providingPeersOf declaration: some SwiftSyntax.DeclSyntaxProtocol, in context: some SwiftSyntaxMacros.MacroExpansionContext ) throws -> [SwiftSyntax.DeclSyntax] { let property = try propertyPattern(of: declaration) let associatedKey = associatedKeyToken(for: property) return [ "private nonisolated(unsafe) static var \(associatedKey): Void?" ] } } // Logic used by both macro implementations extension ObservableDefaultMacro { /** Extracts the pattern (i.e. the name) of the attached property. */ private static func propertyPattern( of declaration: some SwiftSyntax.DeclSyntaxProtocol ) throws(ObservableDefaultMacroError) -> TokenSyntax { // Must be attached to a property declaration. guard let variableDeclaration = else { throw .notAttachedToProperty } // Must be attached to a variable property (i.e. `var` and not `let`). guard variableDeclaration.bindingSpecifier.tokenKind == .keyword(.var) else { throw .notAttachedToVariable } // Must be attached to a single property. guard variableDeclaration.bindings.count == 1, let binding = variableDeclaration.bindings.first else { throw .notAttachedToSingleProperty } // Must not provide an initializer for the property (i.e. not assign a value). guard binding.initializer == nil else { throw .attachedToPropertyWithInitializer } // Must not be attached to property with existing accessor block. guard binding.accessorBlock == nil else { throw .attachedToPropertyWithAccessorBlock } // Must use Identifier Pattern. // See guard let pattern = else { throw .attachedToPropertyWithoutIdentifierProperty } return pattern } /** Extracts the expression used to define the Defaults.Key in the macro call. */ private static func keyExpression( of node: AttributeSyntax ) throws(ObservableDefaultMacroError) -> ExprSyntax { // Must receive arguments guard let arguments = node.arguments else { throw .calledWithoutArguments } // Must be called with Labeled Expression. // See guard let expressionList = else { throw .calledWithoutLabeledExpression } // Must only receive one argument. guard expressionList.count == 1, let expression = expressionList.first?.expression else { throw .calledWithMultipleArguments } return expression } /** Generates the token to use as key for the associated object used to hold the UserDefaults observation. */ private static func associatedKeyToken(for property: TokenSyntax) -> TokenSyntax { "_objcAssociatedKey_\(property)" } } /** Error handling for ``ObservableDefaultMacro``. */ public enum ObservableDefaultMacroError: Error { case notAttachedToProperty case notAttachedToVariable case notAttachedToSingleProperty case attachedToPropertyWithInitializer case attachedToPropertyWithAccessorBlock case attachedToPropertyWithoutIdentifierProperty case calledWithoutArguments case calledWithoutLabeledExpression case calledWithMultipleArguments case calledWithoutFunctionSyntax case calledWithoutKeyArgument case calledWithUnsupportedExpression } extension ObservableDefaultMacroError: CustomStringConvertible { public var description: String { switch self { case .notAttachedToProperty: "@ObservableDefault must be attached to a property." case .notAttachedToVariable: "@ObservableDefault must be attached to a `var` property." case .notAttachedToSingleProperty: "@ObservableDefault can only be attached to a single property." case .attachedToPropertyWithInitializer: "@ObservableDefault must not be attached with a property with a value assigned. To create set default value, provide it in the `Defaults.Key` definition." case .attachedToPropertyWithAccessorBlock: "@ObservableDefault must not be attached to a property with accessor block." case .attachedToPropertyWithoutIdentifierProperty: "@ObservableDefault could not identify the attached property." case .calledWithoutArguments, .calledWithoutLabeledExpression, .calledWithMultipleArguments, .calledWithoutFunctionSyntax, .calledWithoutKeyArgument, .calledWithUnsupportedExpression: "@ObservableDefault must be called with (1) argument of type `Defaults.Key`" } } }