import Foundation /// TODO: Nest this inside `Defaults` if Swift ever supported nested protocols. public protocol DefaultsObservation { func invalidate() } extension Defaults { private static func deserialize(_ value: Any?, to type: T.Type) -> T? { guard let value = value, !(value is NSNull) else { return nil } // This handles the case where the value was a plist value using `isNativelySupportedType` if let value = value as? T { return value } // Using the array trick as done below in `UserDefaults#_set()` return [T].init(jsonString: "\([value])")?.first } fileprivate final class BaseChange { fileprivate let kind: NSKeyValueChange fileprivate let indexes: IndexSet? fileprivate let isPrior: Bool fileprivate let newValue: Any? fileprivate let oldValue: Any? fileprivate init(change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]) { kind = NSKeyValueChange(rawValue: change[.kindKey] as! UInt)! indexes = change[.indexesKey] as? IndexSet isPrior = change[.notificationIsPriorKey] as? Bool ?? false oldValue = change[.oldKey] newValue = change[.newKey] } } public struct KeyChange { public let kind: NSKeyValueChange public let indexes: IndexSet? public let isPrior: Bool public let newValue: T public let oldValue: T fileprivate init(change: BaseChange, defaultValue: T) { self.kind = change.kind self.indexes = change.indexes self.isPrior = change.isPrior self.oldValue = deserialize(change.oldValue, to: T.self) ?? defaultValue self.newValue = deserialize(change.newValue, to: T.self) ?? defaultValue } } public struct OptionalKeyChange { public let kind: NSKeyValueChange public let indexes: IndexSet? public let isPrior: Bool public let newValue: T? public let oldValue: T? fileprivate init(change: BaseChange) { self.kind = change.kind self.indexes = change.indexes self.isPrior = change.isPrior self.oldValue = deserialize(change.oldValue, to: T.self) self.newValue = deserialize(change.newValue, to: T.self) } } private final class UserDefaultsKeyObservation: NSObject, DefaultsObservation { fileprivate typealias Callback = (BaseChange) -> Void private weak var object: UserDefaults? private let key: String private let callback: Callback fileprivate init(object: UserDefaults, key: String, callback: @escaping Callback) { self.object = object self.key = key self.callback = callback } deinit { invalidate() } fileprivate func start(options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions) { object?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: key, options: options, context: nil) } public func invalidate() { object?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: key, context: nil) object = nil } // swiftlint:disable:next block_based_kvo override func observeValue( forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey: Any]?, // swiftlint:disable:this discouraged_optional_collection context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer? ) { guard let selfObject = self.object, selfObject == object as? NSObject, let change = change else { return } callback(BaseChange(change: change)) } } /** Observe a defaults key ``` extension Defaults.Keys { static let isUnicornMode = Key("isUnicornMode", default: false) } let observer = defaults.observe(.isUnicornMode) { change in print(change.newValue) //=> false } ``` */ public func observe( _ key: Defaults.Key, options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new], handler: @escaping (KeyChange) -> Void ) -> DefaultsObservation { let observation = UserDefaultsKeyObservation(object: key.suite, key: { change in handler( KeyChange(change: change, defaultValue: key.defaultValue) ) } observation.start(options: options) return observation } /** Observe an optional defaults key ``` extension Defaults.Keys { static let isUnicornMode = OptionalKey("isUnicornMode") } let observer = defaults.observe(.isUnicornMode) { change in print(change.newValue) //=> Optional(nil) } ``` */ public func observe( _ key: Defaults.OptionalKey, options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions = [.initial, .old, .new], handler: @escaping (OptionalKeyChange) -> Void ) -> DefaultsObservation { let observation = UserDefaultsKeyObservation(object: key.suite, key: { change in handler( OptionalKeyChange(change: change) ) } observation.start(options: options) return observation } }