
124 lines
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import Foundation
import Combine
extension Defaults {
Custom `Subscription` for `UserDefaults` key observation.
final class DefaultsSubscription<SubscriberType: Subscriber>: Subscription where SubscriberType.Input == BaseChange {
private var subscriber: SubscriberType?
private var observation: UserDefaultsKeyObservation?
private let options: ObservationOptions
init(subscriber: SubscriberType, suite: UserDefaults, key: String, options: ObservationOptions) {
self.subscriber = subscriber
self.options = options
self.observation = UserDefaultsKeyObservation(
object: suite,
key: key,
callback: observationCallback(_:)
func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) {
// Nothing as we send events only when they occur.
func cancel() {
observation = nil
subscriber = nil
func start() {
observation?.start(options: options)
private func observationCallback(_ change: BaseChange) {
_ = subscriber?.receive(change)
Custom Publisher, which is using DefaultsSubscription.
struct DefaultsPublisher: Publisher {
typealias Output = BaseChange
typealias Failure = Never
private let suite: UserDefaults
private let key: String
private let options: ObservationOptions
init(suite: UserDefaults, key: String, options: ObservationOptions) {
self.suite = suite
self.key = key
self.options = options
func receive(subscriber: some Subscriber<Output, Failure>) {
let subscription = DefaultsSubscription(
subscriber: subscriber,
suite: suite,
key: key,
options: options
subscriber.receive(subscription: subscription)
Returns a type-erased `Publisher` that publishes changes related to the given key.
extension Defaults.Keys {
static let isUnicornMode = Key<Bool>("isUnicornMode", default: false)
let publisher = Defaults.publisher(.isUnicornMode).map(\.newValue)
let cancellable = publisher.sink { value in
//=> false
- Warning: This method exists for backwards compatibility and will be deprecated sometime in the future. Use ``Defaults/updates(_:initial:)-9eh8`` instead.
public static func publisher<Value: Serializable>(
_ key: Key<Value>,
options: ObservationOptions = [.initial]
) -> AnyPublisher<KeyChange<Value>, Never> {
let publisher = DefaultsPublisher(suite: key.suite, key:, options: options)
.map { KeyChange<Value>(change: $0, defaultValue: key.defaultValue) }
return AnyPublisher(publisher)
Publisher for multiple `Key<T>` observation, but without specific information about changes.
- Warning: This method exists for backwards compatibility and will be deprecated sometime in the future. Use ``Defaults/updates(_:initial:)-9eh8`` instead.
public static func publisher(
keys: _AnyKey...,
options: ObservationOptions = [.initial]
) -> AnyPublisher<Void, Never> {
let initial = Empty<Void, Never>(completeImmediately: false).eraseToAnyPublisher()
let combinedPublisher =
.map { key in
DefaultsPublisher(suite: key.suite, key:, options: options)
.map { _ in () }
.reduce(initial) { combined, keyPublisher in
combined.merge(with: keyPublisher).eraseToAnyPublisher()
return combinedPublisher