## [5.6.0 - URLSession Metrics && Vector Format, on Mar 5th, 2020](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.6.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.6.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/63)
### Features
#### URLSession Metrics
- Added the URLSessionTaskMetrics support for downloader && operation, which can be used for network metrics #2937
- Typically you use custom operation class to collect all metrics in your app. You can also collect metrics for single url request level. Check the #2937 example code to grab the download token and check metrics.
#### Vector Image
- Feature - better support for vector format detection, now PDF rasterized bitmap is built-in #2936
- Pass `.thumbnailPixelSize` to control the PDF bitmap size. If you want vector PDF rendering, you still need to use [SDWebImagePDFCoder](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePDFCoder).
- Vector image like SVG (via [SDWebImageSVGCoder](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageSVGCoder)) and PDF (via [SDWebImagePDFCoder](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePDFCoder)), or system symbol images, can be detected by new API `sd_isVector`.
- Vector image does not pass to transformer by default, because they support dynamic size changing. Pass `.transformVectorImage` option to allow transformation.
#### Cache
- Add a better check to handle the cases when call `storeImage` without imageData #2953
- Which means, if you store image to disk without data, we will use extra information via `sd_imageFormat` or custom image class, to choose the the image format (including GIF and PDF) for encoding. Previously we only encode it into PNG or JPEG.
#### Context Option
- Feature add context option for cache, loader and coder, deprecated SDWebImageContextCustomManager #2955
- This makes it easy to use custom loader, cache, and decoder, without need to create a dummy SDWebImageManager instance.
### Fixes
- Fix the rare case when call `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation.cancel`, the completion block may callback twice #2954
### Warnings
- Suppress the deprecation warning when min deployment target version set to iOS 13+ or macCatalyst
- Complete all the SDWebImage error code with the localized description, make it easy for debugging #2948
See [all tickets marked for the 5.5.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/55)
### Features
#### Thumbnail Decoding
- Supports to load the large web image with thumbnail, control the limit size and aspect ratio #2922#2810
- Better than resize transformer, which does not allocate full pixel RAM and faster on CPU. If you've already use transformer to generate thumbnail, you'd better have a try
- Works for both animated images and progressive images, each frame using the thumbnail decoding
- Applies for Vector Format like SVG/PDF as well, see more in [Coder Plugin List](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Coder-Plugin-List)
#### Core Image
- Support all transformer method on CIImage based UIImage/NSImage #2918
- For CIImage based UIImage/NSImage, using the CIFilter to take shortcut, which is faster and lazy (rasterize on demand)
#### Cache
- Support to use the creation date and the change date to determine the disk cache expire date compare #2915
### Performances
- Using UIGraphicsImageRenderer on iOS 10+, save memory when image bitmap is RGB(-25%) or Grayscale(-75%) #2907
- Provide the polyfill APIs for firmware iOS 10- and macOS. If you already use `SDGraphicsBeginImageContext` for drawing, you'd better replace that instead.
### Fixes
- Fix Gaussian Blur's bug which take half of the blur radius compared to the standard, should match Core Image's behavior #2927
See [all tickets marked for the 5.4.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/51)
### Features
#### Cache
- Allows advanced user to read/write extended metadata associated with image data from disk cache #2898
- This metadata will be processed at the same time when store or query the image. The metadata should conforms to `NSCoding` for archive and unarchive.
#### Manager
- Add `SDWebImageWaitStoreCache`, which wait for all the async disk cache written finished and then callback, useful for advanced user who want to touch the cache right in completion block #2900
### Fixes
- Using one global function to ensure we always sync all the UIImage category associated object status correctly inside our framework #2902
## [5.3.0 Animated Player & Data Decryptor, on Nov 6th, 2019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.3.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.3.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/45)
### Features
#### Animated Image
- Refactoring the SDAnimatedImageView with player backend called `SDAnimatedImagePlayer`, make it easier for common usage. #2882
- The player use protocol based implementation, which can be used for many scenarios, like WatchKit, CALayer, or even SwiftUI. See [wiki](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#animated-player-530)
- Supports the control of AnimatedImage View/Player 's play rate #2885
- Supports the runloop mode control for macOS. Which can be useful when user want to pause animation when drag the mouse, or presenting modal window #2886
#### Data Decryptor
- Decrypt the encrypted image data after download and just before decoding. #2866
- Provide a built-in convenience for Base64-encoded image data. See [wiki](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#data-decryptor-530)
#### Response Modifier
- Modify the HTTP response after download, paired with request modifier #2866
- Can be used for custom HTTP header check, mock data, etc. See [wiki](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/How-to-use#use-response-modifier-530)
## [5.2.0 - Mac Catalyst && HEIC Animation, on Sep 27th, 2019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.2.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.2.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/43)
### Features
#### Mac Catalyst
- Full compatible with Catalyst (UIKit for macOS)
- Supports CococaPods and SwiftPM only. Carthage need their own toolchain upgrade in the future
- Provide the build script to build xcframework contains Mac Catalyst variant, see [Installation Guide](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Installation-Guide).
- Note the HEIC animated coder does not enable by default. Add `SDImageHEICCoder` if you need the animation.
- Refactor APNG and GIF coder implementation with abstract base class #2846
- Now we use `SDImageIOAnimatedCoder` base class for all animated Image/IO coder implementation. Developer can get use of this as well.
#### Animated Image
- Support to clear frame buffer or reset frame index when stopped for SDAnimatedImageView #2815
### Fixes
- Fix the downloader LIFO order inverse issue when adding new urls during previous url query #2852#2823
- Fix the macOS SDAnimatedImageRep to match Netscape standard of GIF loop count, which should use 1 when there are no loop count information #2847#2155
## [5.1 Patch, on Sep 5th, 2019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.1.1)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.1.1 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/44)
### Fixes
- Fix that some option mask check with local BOOL variable, error result on 32 bit device. #2819#2817
- Fix the macOS that SDAnimatedImageView does not works for imageScaling and imageAlignment properties #2820
- Fix the case when SDAnimatedImageView dealloc on the fetch queue, will cause it trigger the UIKit/AppKit method on non-main queue and captured by UI Main Thread Checker #2825
## [5.1.0 - SwiftPM and more, on Aug 3rd, 2019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.1.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.1.0 release](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/milestone/38)
### Features
#### Swift Package Manager
- Add support for Swift Package Manager #2756
#### Options Processor
- Supports global control on options and context for individual image request #2736
#### Context Option
- Supports store original image to cache for transformer via `SDWebImageContextOriginalStoreCacheType`#2590
- Add a new option `SDWebImageMatchAnimatedImageClass`, to ensure we always match the custom image class instead of UIImage/NSImage class #2801
#### Cache
- Expose the memoryCache and diskCache object on `SDImageCache`, Make it useful for user who have custom property beyond `SDImageCacheConfig`#2779
### Fixes
- Fix SDAnimatedImageView's frame buffer bug when display link is pause #2782
- Fix the bug that UIButton setBackgroundImage convenient method does not pass the options arg to next function call #2785
- Add a autoreleasepool when prefetch many images #2792
- Feature supports dynamic style indicator for iOS 13, fix indicator color on macOS 10.14+ #2753
- Fix for CocoaPods modular headers warning by removing the custom modulemap #2749
### Project
- Follow App Store submit rule, upgrade the minimum Xcode version to Xcode 10.0 #2780
- Provide a script target to directly build all SDWebImage framework and generate all in one XCFramework from Xcode 11 #2764
### Notable Behavior Changes
- Ensure we always callback user's completion block even when cancelled with `SDWebImageErrorCancelled` error code #2692
This may effect some users. In previous 4.0~5.0 version, we will not callback completion block when we receive `cancel` call. (including all View Category/Cache/Manager/Downloader APIs)
But from 5.1, we always callback on this case with error code `SDWebImageErrorCancelled`. You can filter this error code if you don't care about cancel.
This change makes usages like Dispatch Group, observer, or any logic which relay on the completion's callback become acceptable, which is not reliable and will cause issue in previous versions.
- Change that the `sd_imageProgress` property to not auto-create instance by framework #2763
Now, we don't create the NSProgress object from internal method call, this does not affect user's KVO usage.
- Change the default value of accept request header #2772
Now, the default HTTP header filed `Accept`, use `image/*,*/*;q=0.8`, instead of `image/*;q=0.8`.
- Built-in Activity Indicator and Progress Indicator.
- iOS/tvOS/macOS cross-platform support.
#### Plugins
- All external image format coders are plugins. Supports WebP, HEIF, BPG, FLIF, SVG, PDF... Choose what you need in: [Coder Plugin List](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Coder-Plugin-List)
- PhotoKit loader as a plugin: [SDWebImagePhotosPlugin](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin)
- FLAnimatedImage integration as a plugin: [SDWebImageFLPlugin](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageFLPlugin)
- YYImage/YYCache integration as a plugin: [SDWebImageYYPlugin](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin)
### Improvements
#### Swift
- Better Swift support with some manual renaming APIs.
- Full nullability annotation.
- Using class property for shared instance.
- Using `NS_TYPED_ENUM` and `NS_STRING_ENUM` for better generated APIs.
#### API
- Using context option to control detail behavior for each image request beyond the limit of enums.
- Using prefetcher to manage token (list of URL requests) to avoid conflict.
- Use request modifier to modify constructed URLRequest.
## [5.0.0-beta4 - Customizable SDWebImage, on Jan 26th, 2019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta4)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/15)
#### Features
- Expose the graphics helper method for coder plugin author and fix scale issue #2523
#### Performances
- Decrease animated decode times when cache enable #2468
- Remove kCGImageSourceShouldCache option when creating image source #2472
- Add autoreleasepool to release autorelease objects in advance when using GCD #2474
#### Fixes
- Add protect when custom animated image class image data is nil during progressive animation check #2466
- Fix background download #2500
#### Project
- Merged targets + MapKit dedicated target for Carthage installs #2476. Carthage user now does not enable MapKit support by default.
- Upgrade Xcode 10 + using xcconfig for project settings #2494
#### Notable Changes (from beta3)
- Move webp component (and libwebp dependency) to SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder #2469. Any user who use WebP in 5.0.0 should add [SDWebImageWebPCoder](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder) to your Podfile or Cartfile instead.
- Refactory cache path about namespace && final cache directory #2535. Now the default disk cache path was moved to suitable path with the namespace.
- Use the memory bytes size, instead of pixel size to calculate the memory cost function #2568. Now the memory cost function use bytes size instead of pixels count.
Swift Only:
- Fix the accident changes of Swift API naming for `sd_imageDataAsFormat:`#2517
You can always check [5.0 migration guide](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/5.0-Migration-guide) for the latest information for these changes.
- Fix that WebP decoder in master branch, does not consider the global `shouldDecompressImages` config and always do pre-draw for static WebP images #2592
- Fix rare crash when NSMapTable empty keys #2556
- Retain operation when post download related notifications (Hopefully fix, but if you face crash, please open a issue) #2576
#### Performances
- Prioritize SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority if operation already exists #2575
#### Project
- Let SD can be imported using static library by CocoaPods using `DEFINES_MODULE`#2549
- Fix the bug when `FLAnimatedImageView` firstly show one EXIF rotation JPEG `UIImage`, later animated GIF `FLAnimatedImage` will also be rotated #2406
- Replace `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` with `NSOperation<SDWebImageDownloaderOperationInterface>` to make generic #2397
See the [5.0 Migration Guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rs/SDWebImage/master/Docs/SDWebImage-5.0-Migration-guide.md) for a list of comprehensive changes and the way to update your code
- Moved `UIImage sd_imageLoopCount` and `UIImage isGIF` (and renamed to `sd_isAnimated`) to `UIImage+Metadata` category, removed the outdated methods #2152
- Move context and other type definitions to a separate header (`SDWebImageDefine`) to allow to be included without dependency #2188
- Pass `context` arg from the top level APIs to the bottom level APIs to allow specify logic in the future #2189 d6a3e2c c24c3d3
- Refactor the image indicator by creating `SDWebImageIndicator` and `SDWebImageProgressIndicator` protocols and two concrete classes that implement activity and progress indicators for both UIKit and AppKit #2185 46b62cf
- Refactor the implementation of `SDWebImagePrefetcher` so it behaves more like a "shared instance" object, similar to other platform classes. Each instance will manage its own list of urls. #2191 1efc247 92f3d2c bc164d6
- Use property instead of setters and getters to make the property available in Swift
- Use class property with the correct name instead of `+(instanceType)sharedInstance` in singleton to make it more easy to use in Swift. The generated interface should be simple `open class var shared { get }`
- Add all nullability annotation to avoid any `AnyObject!` implicitly unwrapped optionals (Except that `null_resettable`)
- Add all Core Foundation Ownership using `CF_RETURNS_RETAINED` for
Get Rule and `CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED` for Create Rule to avoid any `Unmanaged` CF value
- Change all key for Dictionary with `NS_STRING_ENUM` to make it easy to use in Swift with dot syntax
- Change all global value type which represent enum with `NS_TYPED_ENUM` to make it easy to use in Swift with dot syntax
- Remove the extra calculation of image orientation for ImageIO coder & Fix macOS image orientation #2271
- Added `SDWebImageError` (defined as `NS_ERROR_ENUM`) to group all our errors together #2290
- Add the `SDWebImageContextStoreCacheType` context option to specify target cache type when the image is downloaded by manager and will store to cache #2360
- Feature watchOS `WKInterfaceImage` with `sd_setImageWithURL`#2331
- Add options to specify query cache sync/async behavior #2312
- Fixed issue #2001, add `sd_currentBackgroundImageURL` and `sd_backgroundImageURLForState:` for `UIButton`#2002
- Set `UIButton` placeholer-image even if the url is `nil`#2043 fixes #1721#1964 replaces #1790
- Use `CGImageSourceCreateIncremental` to perform progressive decoding instead of decode partial data each time from the beginning to improve performance and remove that gray background #2040 fixes #1899
- Fix *SDWebImage v4* can not import *libwebp* framework's header files #1983 fixes #1887
- Fix unreachable code build warning on `macOS`#1984
#### Improvements
- Performance enhancement related to single `WebP` and animated `WebP` decoding #1985 fixes #1999#1885
- add ability to change `NSURLSessionConfiguration` used by `SDWebImageDownloader`#1891 fixes #1870
- support animated GIF on `macOS`#1975
- cleanup the Swift interface by making unavailable all methods with missing params that have alternatives - see #1797 - this may cause require some changes in the Swift code
#### Fixes
- handle `NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost`#1767
- fixed `CFBundleVersion` and `CFBundleShortVersionString` not valid for all platforms #1784 + 23a8be8 fixes #1780
- fixed `UIActivityIndicator` not always initialized on main thread #1802 + a6af214 fixes #1801
-`SDImageCacheConfig` forward declaration changed to import #1805
- making image downloading cache policy more clearer #1737
- added `@autoreleasepool` to `SDImageCache.storeImage`#1849
- fixed 32bit machine `long long` type transfer to NSInteger may become negative #1879
- fixed crash on multiple concurrent downloads when accessing `self.URLOperations` dictionary #1911 fixes #1909#1950#1835#1838
- fixed crash due to incorrectly retained pointer to operation `self` which appears to create a dangled pointer #1940 fixes #1807#1858#1859#1821#1925#1883#1816#1716
- fixed Swift naming collision (due to the Obj-C interface that offers multiple variants of the same method but with mixed and missing params) #1797 fixes #1764
- coding style #1971
- fixed Umbrella header warning for the FLAnimatedImage (while using Carthage) d9f7cf4 (replaces #1781) fixes #1776
- fixed issue where animated image arrays could be populated out of order (order of download) #1452
- fixed animated WebP decoding issue, including canvas size, the support for dispose method and the duration per frame #1952 (replaces #1694) fixes #1951
## [4.0.0 beta 2 - New platforms (Mac OS X and watchOS) + refactoring, on Oct 6th, 2016](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.0.0-beta2)
- Add an option to scale down large images #787 00bf467 efad1e5 8d1a0ae. Fixed #538, #880 and #586. This one is a more robust solution than #884 or #894. Can be activated via `SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages` or `SDWebImageDownloaderScaleDownLargeImages`
## [4.0.0 beta - New platforms (Mac OS X and watchOS) + refactoring, on Oct 5th, 2016](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.0.0-beta)
- removed all deprecated methods (that we carried around for backwards compatibility in previous versions) #774
- Renamed `SDWebImageManager``downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` to `loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` as it makes more sense, since we check the cache first and download only if needed a32a177
-`SDWebImage `target that build as a static library (all subspecs included) -> `libSDWebImage.a`
-`SDWebImageiOS` and `SDWebImagetvOS` targets that build as dynamic frameworks
- Renamed the dynamic frameworks targets from `WebImage` to `SDWebImage`. Renamed the `WebImage.h` to `SDWebImage.h` to match the framework naming
- Renamed the schemes for consistency. Updated the Tests Podfile + project.
- For #883 Fix multiple requests for same image and then canceling one, several breaking changes were needed:
-`SDWebImageDownloader` method `- downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` now returns a `SDWebImageDownloadToken *` instead of `id <SDWebImageOperation>` (give the ability to cancel downloads using the returned token)
-`SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` initializer `- initWithRequest:options:progress:completed:cancelled` split into `- initWithRequest:options` and `addHandlersForProgress:completed:`. Note: there is no more cancel block
- Modern Objective-C syntax done in 64382b9 includes:
- initializers now return `instancetype` instead of `id`
- explicit designated initializers (i.e. for `SDImageCache`)
- For #1575 GIF support using FLAnimatedImage, several changes were needed:
- replaced type `SDWebImageQueryCompletedBlock` with `SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock` and added an `NSData *` param
- because of the change above, the `done` param of `SDImageCache``queryDiskCacheForKey:done:` is now a `SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock` and those blocks must now include an `NSData *` param
- replaced type `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock` with `SDInternalCompletionBlock` and added an `NSData *` param
- because of the change above, the `completed` param of `SDWebImageManager``loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` is now `SDInternalCompletionBlock` and those blocks must now include an `NSData *` param
- for consistency with the previous change, also renamed `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` to `SDExternalCompletionBlock`
-`UIImage` will no longer respond to `sd_animatedGIFNamed:` or `sd_animatedImageByScalingAndCroppingToSize:`
- Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
- breaks compatibility at least for Swift users of the framework
- **watchOS** and **OS X** support #1595 required
- renamed `SDWebImage` iOS static lib target to `SDWebImage iOS static` for clarity
- improving the unit tests code coverage #1681 required
- Refactored `NSData``ImageContentType` category, instead of returning the contentType as a string, the new added method `sd_imageFormatForImageData` will return a `SDImageFormat` enum value
- The `storeImage:` methods from `SDImageCache` were async already, but declared as sync. Properly marked them as async + added completion. Got rid of the recalculate param. If the `NSData` is provided, use it. Otherwise, recalculate from the `UIImage`
- Removed the synchronous methods `diskImageExistsForURL:` and `cachedImageExistsForURL:` from `SDWebImageManager`
- Removed the synchronous method `diskImageExistsWithKey:` from `SDImageCache`
- Get rid of the confusion caused by `cleanDisk` and `clearDisk` on `SDImageCache`. Renamed `cleanDisk` to `deleteOldFiles`. No longer expose the sync `clearDisk` and `deleteOldFiles`, just the async ones.
- Renamed `SDImageCache``queryDiskCacheForKey:done:` to `queryCacheOperationForKey:done:`
- Another `SDImageCache` clarification: `imageFromDiskCacheForKey:` used to also check the memory cache which I think is misleading. Now `imageFromDiskCacheForKey` only checks the disk cache and the new method `imageFromCacheForKey` checks both caches
- Got rid of `removeImageForKey:` and `removeImageForKey:fromDisk:` from `SDImageCache` that looked sync but were async. Left only the 2 async ones
- Switched our GIF support to a better implementation: [FLAnimatedImage by Flipboard](https://github.com/Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage) #1575
- requires iOS 8+ (it's the only way due to FLAnimatedImage requirements)
- the implementation relies on a `WebCache` category on top of `FLAnimatedImageView`
- details in the [README](README.md#animated-images-gif-support)
- Converted any remaining code to Modern Objective-C syntax - 64382b9
- Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
- via #1595 Clarified and simplified the usage of `TARGET_OS_*` macros. Added `SD_MAC`, `SD_UIKIT`, `SD_IOS`, `SD_TV`, `SD_WATCH`. The biggest issue here was `TARGET_OS_MAC` was 1 for all platforms and we couldn't rely on it.
- Replaces #1398 Allow to customise cache and image downloader instances used with `SDWebImageManager` - added a new initializer (`initWithCache:downloader:`) 9112170
-`UIImage` responds to `sd_imageData` and `sd_imageDataAsFormat:` via the `MultiFormat` category. Those methods transform a `UIImage` to the `NSData` representation 82d1f2e
- Created `SDWebImageDownloaderOperationInterface` to describe the behavior of a downloader operation. Any custom operation must conform to this protocol df3b6a5
- Refactored all the duplicate code from our `WebCache` categories into a `UIView``WebCache` category. All the other categories will make calls to this one. Customization of setting the image is done via the `setImageBlock` and the `operationKey` e1840c3
- Due to the change above, the activity indicator can now be added to `UIButton`, `MKAnnotationView`, `UIImageView`
- The shared objects (not really singletons) should allow subclassing, therefore the return type of the shared resource method should be `instancetype` and not a fixed type - c57cf7e
- Allow to specify `NSURLSessionConfiguration` for `SDWebImageDownloader`#1654
- Add `url` as param to progress block `SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock` - #984
- Fixed an issue with the `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` : `cancelInternal` was not called because of the old mechanism rellying on the `thread` property - probably because that thread did not have a runloop. Removed that and now cancelInternal is called as expected f4bdae6
- Replaced #781 on replacing dispatch_sync with dispatch_async for the main queue 062e50a f7e8246 c77adf4 fdb8b2c 265ace4 0c47bc3. Check for main queue instead of main thread.
- Fixed #1608#1623#1644 Crash in `[NSURLCache cachedResponseForRequest:]` - the fix is actually avoiding to access `NSURLCache` which appears to generate a race condition. We only call it if necesarry (`SDWebImageRefreshCached` is used and the image cannot be cached by the system when it's too big or behind authentication)
- SDWebImage 3.8.0 get wrong image #1589 - the issue was caused by the changes in 3.8.0 (Removed the URL query params from the filename (key) fb0cdb6d 1bf62d4 #1584 - fixes #1433#1553#1583#1585) - Reverted.
- Note: The solution for those issues (i.e. #1433#1553) is to set the `SDWebImageManager``cacheKeyFilter` block and do their own calculations there.
## [3.8.0 Minor release - Replaces NSURLConnection (deprecated) with NSURLSession - on Jun 6th, 2016](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.8.0)
- Changed the **libwebp git url** so that people from China can access it - #1390 (from `https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp` to `https://github.com/webmproject/libwebp`)
#### Features:
- Added `cancelAllDownloads` method to `SDWebImageDownloader`#1504
- Added API to save image `NSData` to disk cache: `[SDImageCache storeImageDataToDisk:forKey:]`#1453
#### Fixes:
- Fix #1449: Version 3.7.5 breaks semantic versioning (removes public API). Re-added `sd_setImageWithPreviousCachedImageWithURL:andPlaceholderImage:options:progress:completed:` and deprecated it. Will remove it in 4.0.0 b40124c
- fixed #1425 and #1426 - Continuation of Fix #1366, addresses #1350 and reverts a part of #1221 - from commit 6406d8e, the wrong usage of `dispatch_apply`
- fixed #1422 - Added a fallback for #976 so that if there are images saved with the old format (no extension), they can still be loaded
-#1348 Create a strong ref of weakOperation in the entry of The image download subOperation, use the strong ref instead weakOperation. At the same time, repair some logic of the 'If cancelled'
- dcb7985 replaces #1345 - Load local credential file
-#1323 don't to perform download if url is "" but not nil
-#1310 Added support for SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage option to UIButton and highlighted UIImageView categories
-#1308 Added Swift installation tips
- 32923fa Xcode 7.1 updates
-#1297 cleaner implementation of failedUrl error handling - fixes #1275
## [3.7.3 Patch release for 3.7.0 with iOS8+ framework and Carthage on Jun 13th, 2015](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.3)
- Adds support for **iOS 8+ Framework and Carthage** [#1071](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1071) [#1081](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1081) [#1101](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1101)
- [Refactor] Use `NSMutableSet` for failed URLs' storage instead of array [#1076](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1076)
- Make a constant for the error domain [#1011](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1011)
- Bug fix: `Collection <__NSArrayM: > was mutated while being enumerated` [#985](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/985)
- added `SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage` option to avoid automatic image addition in `UIImageView` and let developer to do it himself [#1188](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1188)
- Added support for custom disk cache folder with fall back for caches directory [#1153](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1153)
- Added some files to the workspace so they are easier to edit [8431481](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/8431481)
- [Memory Issue] Clear `SDWebImagePrefetcher``progressBlock` when it has completed [#1017](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1017)
- avoid warning `<Error>: ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithData data parameter is nil` if `imageData` is nil [88ee3c6](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/88ee3c6) [#1018](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1018)
-`failedURLs` can be removed at the appropriate time [#1111](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1111)
- Purge `NSCache` on system memory notifications [#1143](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1143)
- Determines at runtime is `UIApplication` is available as per [#1082](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/1082) [#1085](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1085)
- 404 image url was causing the test to fail [0e761f4](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/0e761f4)
- Fix for transparency being lost in transformed images. [#1121](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1121)
- Add handling for additional error codes that shouldn't be considered a permanent failure [#1159](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1159)
- add webp accepted content type only if `WebP` enabled [#1178](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1178)
- fix `ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithData` data parameter is nil [#1167](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1167)
- Applied patch for issue [#1074](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/1074) SDWebImage residing in swift module breaks the debugger [#1138](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1138)
- Fixed URLs with trailing parameters get assigned an incorrect image scale value [#1157](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/1157) [#1158](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1158)
- Add newline to avoid compiler warning in `WebImage.h` [#1199](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/1199)
## [3.7.2 Updated patch release for 3.7.0 on Mar 17th, 2015](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.2)
- fixed [#900](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/900) by adding a new flag `SD_LOG_NONE` that allows silencing the SD logs from the Prefetcher
- fixed [#895](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/895) unsafe setImage in `setImageWithURL:` - [#896](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/896)
- fix `NSNotificationCenter` dispatch on subthreads - [#987](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/987)
- the code from `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation connection:didFailWithError:` should match the code from `connectionDidFinishLoading:`. This fixes [#872](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/872) - [7f39e5e](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/7f39e5e)
-`304 - Not Modified` HTTP status code handling - [#942](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/942)
- Exposing `SDWebImageManager` instance from the `SDWebImagePrefetcher` class - [6c409cd](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/6c409cd)
-`SDWebImageManager` uses the shared instance of `SDWebImageDownloader` - [0772019](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/0772019)
- Refactor the cancel logic - [#771](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/771) [6d01e80](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/6d01e80) [23874cd](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/23874cd) [a6f11b3](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/a6f11b3)
- Added method `SDWebImageManager cachedImageExistsForURL:` to check if an image exists in either the disk OR the memory cache - [#644](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/644)
- Added option to use the cached image instead of the placeholder for `UIImageView`. Replaces [#541](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/541) - [#599](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/599) [30f6726](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/30f6726)
- Fixed race condition that causes cancellation of one download operation to stop a run loop that is now used for another download operation. Race is introduced through `performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:` - [#698](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/698)
- Fixed race condition between operation cancelation and loading finish - [39db378](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/39db378) [#621](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/621) [#783](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/783)
- Fixed race condition in SDWebImageManager if one operation is cancelled - [f080e38](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/f080e38) [#699](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/699)
- Fixed issue where cancelled operations aren't removed from `runningOperations` - [#68](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/68)
- Should not add url to failedURLs when timeout, cancel and so on - [#766](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/766) [#707](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/707)
- Fixed potential *object mutated while being enumerated* crash - [#727](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/727) [#728](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/728) (revert a threading fix from [#727](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/727))
- Fixed `NSURLConnection` response statusCode not valid (e.g. 404), downloader never stops its runloop and hangs the operation queue - [#735](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/735)
- Fixed `SDWebImageRefreshCached` bug for large images - [#744](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/744)
- Added proper handling for `SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority` - [#713](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/713) [#745](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/745)
- Fixed fixing potential bug when sending a nil url for UIButton+WebCache - [#761](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/761) [#763](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/763)
- Fixed issue [#529](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/529) - if the `cacheKeyFilter` was set, this was ignored when computing the `scaledImageForKey`. For most of the developers that did not set `cacheKeyFilter`, the code will work exactly the same - [eb91fdd](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/eb91fdd)
- Returning error in setImage completedBlock if the url was nil. Added `dispatch_main_async_safe` macro - [#505](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/505) [af3e4f8](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/commit/af3e4f8)
- Avoid premature completion of prefetcher if request fails - [#751](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/751)
- Return nil from `SDScaledImageForKey` if the input image is nil - [#365](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/issues/365) [#750](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/750)
- Do not load placeholder image if `SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder` option specified - [#780](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/780)
- Make sure we call the `startPrefetchingAtIndex:` method from main queue - [#694](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/694)
- Save image in cache before calling completion block - [#700](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/pull/700)