2016-06-01 20:53:08 +08:00
* This file is part of the SDWebImage package.
* (c) Olivier Poitrey <rs@dailymotion.com>
* (c) Florent Vilmart
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
2016-06-13 05:09:55 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageCompat.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
2016-06-13 05:09:55 +08:00
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
//! Project version number for WebImage.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT double WebImageVersionNumber;
//! Project version string for WebImage.
FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char WebImageVersionString[];
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <WebImage/PublicHeader.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageManager.h>
2018-04-14 18:18:45 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageCacheKeyFilter.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageCacheSerializer.h>
2016-09-30 14:33:06 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCacheConfig.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCache.h>
2018-04-15 00:05:09 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDMemoryCache.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDDiskCache.h>
2018-04-18 19:23:45 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCacheDefine.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCachesManager.h>
2016-09-30 14:33:06 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIView+WebCache.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImageView+WebCache.h>
#import <SDWebImage/UIImageView+HighlightedWebCache.h>
2018-03-31 05:34:10 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloaderConfig.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloaderOperation.h>
2018-04-07 13:47:54 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloaderRequestModifier.h>
2019-10-15 14:36:41 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloaderResponseModifier.h>
2019-10-15 20:10:00 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloaderDecryptor.h>
2018-05-17 12:00:31 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageLoader.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageLoadersManager.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIButton+WebCache.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImagePrefetcher.h>
#import <SDWebImage/UIView+WebCacheOperation.h>
2018-06-25 13:52:46 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+Metadata.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+MultiFormat.h>
2019-01-03 12:08:18 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+MemoryCacheCost.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageOperation.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDownloader.h>
2018-01-17 15:20:38 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageTransition.h>
2018-01-20 23:40:16 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageIndicator.h>
2018-04-26 21:30:44 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageTransformer.h>
2018-02-13 18:30:25 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+Transform.h>
2017-12-21 11:43:46 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImage.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImageView.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImageView+WebCache.h>
2019-11-04 03:52:52 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImagePlayer.h>
2018-04-26 22:51:50 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCodersManager.h>
2018-04-26 22:39:52 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCoder.h>
2018-04-26 22:51:50 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageAPNGCoder.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageGIFCoder.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageIOCoder.h>
2018-04-26 22:13:28 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageFrame.h>
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageCoderHelper.h>
2018-10-31 15:13:31 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageGraphics.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+GIF.h>
Feature: refactor decoding code and provide decoding plugin
- open the decoding/encoding procedures to the users
- switch from hardcoded decoding/encoding to pluginable decoders/encoders (builtin + user created)
- `SDWebImageCodersManager` is a singleton holding an array of `SDImageCoder` (protocol). Even though a singleton is not necesarily a good pattern, in this case it eliminates dealing with passing this array around
- uses a priority queue behind scenes, which means the latest added coders have priority.
- the priority is crucial when encoding/decoding something, we go through the list and ask each coder if they can handle the current data (see `canDecodeFromData:`, `canEncodeToFormat:`, `canIncrementallyDecodeFromData:`)
- each coder must conform to this protocol `SDImageCoder` describing all the required behavior for a coder
- we provide 3 built-in coders: `SDWebImageImageIOCoder` (for JPEG, PNG, TIFF), `SDWebImageGIFCoder` (for GIF), `SDWebImageWebPCoder` (for WebP and animated WebP)
- the user of SDWebImage can create custom coders by conforming to `SDImageCoder` and adding the coders to `SDWebImageCodersManager`. See `addCoder:` or `removeCoder:` or `coders` getter to get the array
- in order to preserve backwards compatibility, the UIImage categories were preserved, calling the new coders APIs described above
2017-10-17 00:52:18 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/UIImage+ForceDecode.h>
2016-05-09 03:59:32 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/NSData+ImageContentType.h>
2018-01-13 18:42:15 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageDefine.h>
2018-04-18 12:50:05 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageError.h>
2019-05-23 21:36:19 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImageOptionsProcessor.h>
2019-09-19 16:24:42 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageIOAnimatedCoder.h>
2019-09-22 14:29:54 +08:00
#import <SDWebImage/SDImageHEICCoder.h>
2017-07-31 19:19:02 +08:00
2018-04-19 16:22:47 +08:00
// Mac
#if __has_include(<SDWebImage/NSImage+Compatibility.h>)
#import <SDWebImage/NSImage+Compatibility.h>
#if __has_include(<SDWebImage/NSButton+WebCache.h>)
#import <SDWebImage/NSButton+WebCache.h>
#if __has_include(<SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImageRep.h>)
#import <SDWebImage/SDAnimatedImageRep.h>
2016-06-13 05:09:55 +08:00
2017-07-31 19:19:02 +08:00
2018-04-19 16:22:47 +08:00
// MapKit
#if __has_include(<SDWebImage/MKAnnotationView+WebCache.h>)
#import <SDWebImage/MKAnnotationView+WebCache.h>