Merge pull request #2988 from dreampiggy/encoding_options_embed_thumbnail
Feature: Encoding options supports embed thumbnail (works for JPEG/HEIF/AVIF)
This commit is contained in:
@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderEncodeMaxPixelSi
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderEncodeMaxFileSize;
A Boolean value indicating the encoding format should contains a thumbnail image into the output data. Only some of image format (like JPEG/HEIF/AVIF) support this behavior. The embed thumbnail will be used during next time thumbnail decoding (provided `.thumbnailPixelSize`), which is faster than full image thumbnail decoding. (NSNumber)
Defaults to NO, which does not embed any thumbnail.
@note The thumbnail image's pixel size is not defined, the encoder can choose the proper pixel size which is suitable for encoding quality.
@note works for `SDImageCoder`
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDImageCoderOption _Nonnull const SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail;
A SDWebImageContext object which hold the original context options from top-level API. (SDWebImageContext)
This option is ignored for all built-in coders and take no effect.
@ -18,5 +18,6 @@ SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderEncodeCompressionQuality = @"encodeCompress
SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderEncodeBackgroundColor = @"encodeBackgroundColor";
SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderEncodeMaxPixelSize = @"encodeMaxPixelSize";
SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderEncodeMaxFileSize = @"encodeMaxFileSize";
SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail = @"encodeEmbedThumbnail";
SDImageCoderOption const SDImageCoderWebImageContext = @"webImageContext";
@ -484,6 +484,11 @@ static NSString * kSDCGImageDestinationRequestedFileSize = @"kCGImageDestination
// Remove the quality if we have file size limit
properties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality] = nil;
BOOL embedThumbnail = NO;
if (options[SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail]) {
embedThumbnail = [options[SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail] boolValue];
properties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImageDestinationEmbedThumbnail] = @(embedThumbnail);
BOOL encodeFirstFrame = [options[SDImageCoderEncodeFirstFrameOnly] boolValue];
if (encodeFirstFrame || frames.count == 0) {
@ -294,6 +294,11 @@ static NSString * kSDCGImageDestinationRequestedFileSize = @"kCGImageDestination
// Remove the quality if we have file size limit
properties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImageDestinationLossyCompressionQuality] = nil;
BOOL embedThumbnail = NO;
if (options[SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail]) {
embedThumbnail = [options[SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail] boolValue];
properties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImageDestinationEmbedThumbnail] = @(embedThumbnail);
// Add your image to the destination.
CGImageDestinationAddImage(imageDestination, imageRef, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)properties);
@ -231,6 +231,52 @@
- (void)test18ThatImageIOAnimatedCoderAbstractClass {
SDImageIOAnimatedCoder *coder = [[SDImageIOAnimatedCoder alloc] init];
@try {
[coder canEncodeToFormat:SDImageFormatPNG];
XCTFail("Should throw exception");
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
- (void)test19ThatEmbedThumbnailHEICWorks {
if (@available(iOS 11, macOS 10.13, *)) {
// The input HEIC does not contains any embed thumbnail
NSURL *heicURL = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] URLForResource:@"TestImage" withExtension:@"heic"];
CGImageSourceRef source = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL((__bridge CFURLRef)heicURL, nil);
NSArray *thumbnailImages = [self thumbnailImagesFromImageSource:source];
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(source, 0, nil);
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:1 orientation: UIImageOrientationUp];
UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:1 orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];
// Encode with embed thumbnail
NSData *encodedData = [SDImageIOCoder.sharedCoder encodedDataWithImage:image format:SDImageFormatHEIC options:@{SDImageCoderEncodeEmbedThumbnail : @(YES)}];
// The new HEIC contains one embed thumbnail
CGImageSourceRef source2 = CGImageSourceCreateWithData((__bridge CFDataRef)encodedData, nil);
NSArray *thumbnailImages2 = [self thumbnailImagesFromImageSource:source2];
// Currently ImageIO has no control to custom embed thumbnail pixel size, just check the behavior :)
NSDictionary *thumbnailImageInfo = thumbnailImages2.firstObject;
NSUInteger thumbnailWidth = [thumbnailImageInfo[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyWidth] unsignedIntegerValue];
NSUInteger thumbnailHeight = [thumbnailImageInfo[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyHeight] unsignedIntegerValue];
#pragma mark - Utils
- (void)verifyCoder:(id<SDImageCoder>)coder
withLocalImageURL:(NSURL *)imageUrl
@ -353,14 +399,14 @@ withLocalImageURL:(NSURL *)imageUrl
- (void)test16ThatImageIOAnimatedCoderAbstractClass {
SDImageIOAnimatedCoder *coder = [[SDImageIOAnimatedCoder alloc] init];
@try {
[coder canEncodeToFormat:SDImageFormatPNG];
XCTFail("Should throw exception");
} @catch (NSException *exception) {
- (NSArray *)thumbnailImagesFromImageSource:(CGImageSourceRef)source API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0), tvos(11.0), macos(13.0)) {
NSDictionary *properties = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)CGImageSourceCopyProperties(source, nil);
NSDictionary *fileProperties = properties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyFileContentsDictionary];
NSArray *imagesProperties = fileProperties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyImages];
NSDictionary *imageProperties = imagesProperties.firstObject;
NSArray *thumbnailImages = imageProperties[(__bridge NSString *)kCGImagePropertyThumbnailImages];
return thumbnailImages;
Reference in New Issue