64 lines
3.8 KiB
64 lines
3.8 KiB
language: objective-c
osx_image: xcode9
- LANG=en_US.UTF-8
email: false
- env
- locale
- gem install cocoapods --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-document --quiet
- gem install xcpretty --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-document --quiet
- pod --version
- pod setup --silent > /dev/null
- pod repo update --silent
- xcpretty --version
- xcodebuild -version
- xcodebuild -showsdks
- set -o pipefail
- echo Check if the library described by the podspec can be built
- pod lib lint --allow-warnings
- echo Build as static library
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage iOS static' -sdk iphonesimulator PLATFORM_NAME=iphonesimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage watchOS static' -sdk watchsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- echo Clean static library
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage iOS static' -sdk iphonesimulator PLATFORM_NAME=iphonesimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage watchOS static' -sdk watchsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- echo Build as dynamic framework
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage OSX' -sdk macosx -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage iOS' -sdk iphonesimulator PLATFORM_NAME=iphonesimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage tvOS' -sdk appletvsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage watchOS' -sdk watchsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- echo Build the Demo apps
- xcodebuild build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage OSX Demo' -sdk macosx -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage iOS Demo' -configuration Debug -destination 'name=iPhone 6s' | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage TV Demo' -sdk appletvsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild build -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage Watch Demo' -configuration Debug -destination 'name=iPhone 6s' | xcpretty -c
- echo Clean dynamic framework
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage OSX Demo' -sdk macosx -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage iOS Demo' -configuration Debug -destination 'name=iPhone 6s' | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage TV Demo' -sdk appletvsimulator -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild clean -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'SDWebImage Watch Demo' -configuration Debug -destination 'name=iPhone 6s' | xcpretty -c
- echo Run the tests
- pod install --project-directory=Tests
- xcodebuild test -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'Tests' -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6s' -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- xcodebuild test -workspace SDWebImage.xcworkspace -scheme 'Tests Mac' -sdk macosx -destination 'platform=OS X,arch=x86_64' -configuration Debug | xcpretty -c
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -J '^Tests$' -F 'iOS'
- bash <(curl -s https://codecov.io/bash) -J '^Tests Mac$' -F 'macOS' |