
65 lines
2.8 KiB

* This file is part of the SDWebImage package.
* (c) Olivier Poitrey <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
#import "SDImageCacheDefine.h"
#import "SDImageCodersManager.h"
#import "SDImageCoderHelper.h"
#import "SDAnimatedImage.h"
#import "UIImage+Metadata.h"
UIImage * _Nullable SDImageCacheDecodeImageData(NSData * _Nonnull imageData, NSString * _Nonnull cacheKey, SDWebImageOptions options, SDWebImageContext * _Nullable context) {
UIImage *image;
BOOL decodeFirstFrame = options & SDWebImageDecodeFirstFrameOnly;
NSNumber *scaleValue = [context valueForKey:SDWebImageContextImageScaleFactor];
CGFloat scale = scaleValue.doubleValue >= 1 ? scaleValue.doubleValue : SDImageScaleFactorForKey(cacheKey);
if (scale < 1) {
scale = 1;
if (!decodeFirstFrame) {
// check whether we should use `SDAnimatedImage`
if ([context valueForKey:SDWebImageContextAnimatedImageClass]) {
Class animatedImageClass = [context valueForKey:SDWebImageContextAnimatedImageClass];
if ([animatedImageClass isSubclassOfClass:[UIImage class]] && [animatedImageClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SDAnimatedImage)]) {
image = [[animatedImageClass alloc] initWithData:imageData scale:scale];
if (options & SDWebImagePreloadAllFrames && [image respondsToSelector:@selector(preloadAllFrames)]) {
[((id<SDAnimatedImage>)image) preloadAllFrames];
if (!image) {
SDImageCoderOptions *coderOptions = @{SDImageCoderDecodeFirstFrameOnly : @(decodeFirstFrame), SDImageCoderDecodeScaleFactor : @(scale)};
if (context) {
SDImageCoderMutableOptions *mutableCoderOptions = [coderOptions mutableCopy];
[mutableCoderOptions setValue:context forKey:SDImageCoderWebImageContext];
coderOptions = [mutableCoderOptions copy];
image = [[SDImageCodersManager sharedManager] decodedImageWithData:imageData options:coderOptions];
if (image) {
BOOL shouldDecode = (options & SDWebImageAvoidDecodeImage) == 0;
if ([image conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SDAnimatedImage)]) {
// `SDAnimatedImage` do not decode
shouldDecode = NO;
} else if (image.sd_isAnimated) {
// animated image do not decode
shouldDecode = NO;
if (shouldDecode) {
BOOL shouldScaleDown = options & SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages;
if (shouldScaleDown) {
image = [SDImageCoderHelper decodedAndScaledDownImageWithImage:image limitBytes:0];
} else {
image = [SDImageCoderHelper decodedImageWithImage:image];
return image;