356 lines
12 KiB
356 lines
12 KiB
* This file is part of the SDWebImage package.
* (c) Olivier Poitrey <rs@dailymotion.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
#import "SDAnimatedImagePlayer.h"
#import "NSImage+Compatibility.h"
#import "SDDisplayLink.h"
#import "SDDeviceHelper.h"
#import "SDImageFramePool.h"
#import "SDInternalMacros.h"
@interface SDAnimatedImagePlayer () {
NSRunLoopMode _runLoopMode;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDImageFramePool *framePool;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) UIImage *currentFrame;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) NSUInteger currentFrameIndex;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readwrite) NSUInteger currentLoopCount;
@property (nonatomic, strong) id<SDAnimatedImageProvider> animatedProvider;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger currentFrameBytes;
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval currentTime;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL bufferMiss;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable;
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldReverse;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SDDisplayLink *displayLink;
@implementation SDAnimatedImagePlayer
- (instancetype)initWithProvider:(id<SDAnimatedImageProvider>)provider {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
NSUInteger animatedImageFrameCount = provider.animatedImageFrameCount;
// Check the frame count
if (animatedImageFrameCount <= 1) {
return nil;
self.totalFrameCount = animatedImageFrameCount;
// Get the current frame and loop count.
self.totalLoopCount = provider.animatedImageLoopCount;
self.animatedProvider = provider;
self.playbackRate = 1.0;
self.framePool = [SDImageFramePool registerProvider:provider];
return self;
+ (instancetype)playerWithProvider:(id<SDAnimatedImageProvider>)provider {
SDAnimatedImagePlayer *player = [[SDAnimatedImagePlayer alloc] initWithProvider:provider];
return player;
- (void)dealloc {
// Dereference the frame pool, when zero the frame pool for provider will dealloc
[SDImageFramePool unregisterProvider:self.animatedProvider];
#pragma mark - Private
- (SDDisplayLink *)displayLink {
if (!_displayLink) {
_displayLink = [SDDisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(displayDidRefresh:)];
[_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:self.runLoopMode];
[_displayLink stop];
return _displayLink;
- (void)setRunLoopMode:(NSRunLoopMode)runLoopMode {
if ([_runLoopMode isEqual:runLoopMode]) {
if (_displayLink) {
if (_runLoopMode) {
[_displayLink removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:_runLoopMode];
if (runLoopMode.length > 0) {
[_displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:runLoopMode];
_runLoopMode = [runLoopMode copy];
- (NSRunLoopMode)runLoopMode {
if (!_runLoopMode) {
_runLoopMode = [[self class] defaultRunLoopMode];
return _runLoopMode;
#pragma mark - State Control
- (void)setupCurrentFrame {
if (self.currentFrameIndex != 0) {
if (self.playbackMode == SDAnimatedImagePlaybackModeReverse ||
self.playbackMode == SDAnimatedImagePlaybackModeReversedBounce) {
self.currentFrameIndex = self.totalFrameCount - 1;
if (!self.currentFrame && [self.animatedProvider isKindOfClass:[UIImage class]]) {
UIImage *image = (UIImage *)self.animatedProvider;
// Cache the poster image if available, but should not callback to avoid caller thread issues
#if SD_MAC
UIImage *posterFrame = [[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:image.scale orientation:kCGImagePropertyOrientationUp];
UIImage *posterFrame = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
if (posterFrame) {
// Calculate max buffer size
[self calculateMaxBufferCountWithFrame:posterFrame];
// HACK: The first frame should not check duration and immediately display
self.needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable = YES;
[self.framePool setFrame:posterFrame atIndex:self.currentFrameIndex];
- (void)resetCurrentFrameStatus {
// These should not trigger KVO, user don't need to receive an `index == 0, image == nil` callback.
_currentFrame = nil;
_currentFrameIndex = 0;
_currentLoopCount = 0;
_currentTime = 0;
_bufferMiss = NO;
_needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable = NO;
- (void)clearFrameBuffer {
[self.framePool removeAllFrames];
#pragma mark - Animation Control
- (void)startPlaying {
[self.displayLink start];
// Setup frame
[self setupCurrentFrame];
- (void)stopPlaying {
// Using `_displayLink` here because when UIImageView dealloc, it may trigger `[self stopAnimating]`, we already release the display link in SDAnimatedImageView's dealloc method.
[_displayLink stop];
// We need to reset the frame status, but not trigger any handle. This can ensure next time's playing status correct.
[self resetCurrentFrameStatus];
- (void)pausePlaying {
[_displayLink stop];
- (BOOL)isPlaying {
return _displayLink.isRunning;
- (void)seekToFrameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index loopCount:(NSUInteger)loopCount {
if (index >= self.totalFrameCount) {
self.currentFrameIndex = index;
self.currentLoopCount = loopCount;
self.currentFrame = [self.animatedProvider animatedImageFrameAtIndex:index];
[self handleFrameChange];
#pragma mark - Core Render
- (void)displayDidRefresh:(SDDisplayLink *)displayLink {
// If for some reason a wild call makes it through when we shouldn't be animating, bail.
// Early return!
if (!self.isPlaying) {
NSUInteger totalFrameCount = self.totalFrameCount;
if (totalFrameCount <= 1) {
// Total frame count less than 1, wrong configuration and stop animating
[self stopPlaying];
NSTimeInterval playbackRate = self.playbackRate;
if (playbackRate <= 0) {
// Does not support <= 0 play rate
[self stopPlaying];
// Calculate refresh duration
NSTimeInterval duration = self.displayLink.duration;
NSUInteger currentFrameIndex = self.currentFrameIndex;
NSUInteger nextFrameIndex = (currentFrameIndex + 1) % totalFrameCount;
if (self.playbackMode == SDAnimatedImagePlaybackModeReverse) {
nextFrameIndex = currentFrameIndex == 0 ? (totalFrameCount - 1) : (currentFrameIndex - 1) % totalFrameCount;
} else if (self.playbackMode == SDAnimatedImagePlaybackModeBounce ||
self.playbackMode == SDAnimatedImagePlaybackModeReversedBounce) {
if (currentFrameIndex == 0) {
self.shouldReverse = NO;
} else if (currentFrameIndex == totalFrameCount - 1) {
self.shouldReverse = YES;
nextFrameIndex = self.shouldReverse ? (currentFrameIndex - 1) : (currentFrameIndex + 1);
nextFrameIndex %= totalFrameCount;
// Check if we need to display new frame firstly
if (self.needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable) {
UIImage *currentFrame = [self.framePool frameAtIndex:currentFrameIndex];
// Update the current frame
if (currentFrame) {
// Update the current frame immediately
self.currentFrame = currentFrame;
[self handleFrameChange];
self.bufferMiss = NO;
self.needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable = NO;
else {
self.bufferMiss = YES;
// Check if we have the frame buffer
if (!self.bufferMiss) {
// Then check if timestamp is reached
self.currentTime += duration;
NSTimeInterval currentDuration = [self.animatedProvider animatedImageDurationAtIndex:currentFrameIndex];
currentDuration = currentDuration / playbackRate;
if (self.currentTime < currentDuration) {
// Current frame timestamp not reached, prefetch frame in advance.
[self prefetchFrameAtIndex:currentFrameIndex
// Otherwise, we should be ready to display next frame
self.needsDisplayWhenImageBecomesAvailable = YES;
self.currentFrameIndex = nextFrameIndex;
self.currentTime -= currentDuration;
NSTimeInterval nextDuration = [self.animatedProvider animatedImageDurationAtIndex:nextFrameIndex];
nextDuration = nextDuration / playbackRate;
if (self.currentTime > nextDuration) {
// Do not skip frame
self.currentTime = nextDuration;
// Update the loop count when last frame rendered
if (nextFrameIndex == 0) {
// Update the loop count
[self handleLoopChange];
// if reached the max loop count, stop animating, 0 means loop indefinitely
NSUInteger maxLoopCount = self.totalLoopCount;
if (maxLoopCount != 0 && (self.currentLoopCount >= maxLoopCount)) {
[self stopPlaying];
// Since we support handler, check animating state again
if (!self.isPlaying) {
[self prefetchFrameAtIndex:currentFrameIndex
// Check if we should prefetch next frame or current frame
// When buffer miss, means the decode speed is slower than render speed, we fetch current miss frame
// Or, most cases, the decode speed is faster than render speed, we fetch next frame
- (void)prefetchFrameAtIndex:(NSUInteger)currentIndex
nextIndex:(NSUInteger)nextIndex {
NSUInteger fetchFrameIndex = currentIndex;
UIImage *fetchFrame = nil;
if (!self.bufferMiss) {
fetchFrameIndex = nextIndex;
fetchFrame = [self.framePool frameAtIndex:nextIndex];
BOOL bufferFull = NO;
if (self.framePool.currentFrameCount == self.totalFrameCount) {
bufferFull = YES;
if (!fetchFrame && !bufferFull) {
// Calculate max buffer size
[self calculateMaxBufferCountWithFrame:self.currentFrame];
// Prefetch next frame
[self.framePool prefetchFrameAtIndex:fetchFrameIndex];
- (void)handleFrameChange {
if (self.animationFrameHandler) {
self.animationFrameHandler(self.currentFrameIndex, self.currentFrame);
- (void)handleLoopChange {
if (self.animationLoopHandler) {
#pragma mark - Util
- (void)calculateMaxBufferCountWithFrame:(nonnull UIImage *)frame {
NSUInteger bytes = self.currentFrameBytes;
if (bytes == 0) {
bytes = CGImageGetBytesPerRow(frame.CGImage) * CGImageGetHeight(frame.CGImage);
if (bytes == 0) {
bytes = 1024;
} else {
// Cache since most animated image each frame bytes is the same
self.currentFrameBytes = bytes;
NSUInteger max = 0;
if (self.maxBufferSize > 0) {
max = self.maxBufferSize;
} else {
// Calculate based on current memory, these factors are by experience
NSUInteger total = [SDDeviceHelper totalMemory];
NSUInteger free = [SDDeviceHelper freeMemory];
max = MIN(total * 0.2, free * 0.6);
NSUInteger maxBufferCount = (double)max / (double)bytes;
if (!maxBufferCount) {
// At least 1 frame
maxBufferCount = 1;
self.framePool.maxBufferCount = maxBufferCount;
+ (NSString *)defaultRunLoopMode {
// Key off `activeProcessorCount` (as opposed to `processorCount`) since the system could shut down cores in certain situations.
return [NSProcessInfo processInfo].activeProcessorCount > 1 ? NSRunLoopCommonModes : NSDefaultRunLoopMode;