Snappy is a light-weight layout framework which wraps AutoLayout with a nicer syntax. Snappy has its own layout DSL which provides a chainable way of describing your NSLayoutConstraints which results in layout code that is more concise and readable. Snappy supports both iOS and OS X.
> Snappy uses some Swift only features like function overloading it cannot be used from Objective-C. Because of this we’ve chosen to swap prefixes from Masonry’s `mas_` to `snp_` so you can use both Masonry and Snappy in the same project.
Under the hood Auto Layout is a powerful and flexible way of organising and laying out your views. However creating constraints from code is verbose and not very descriptive.
Imagine a simple example in which you want to have a view fill its superview but inset by 10 pixels on every side
Even with such a simple example the code needed is quite verbose and quickly becomes unreadable when you have more than 2 or 3 views.
Another option is to use Visual Format Language (VFL), which is a bit less long winded.
However the ASCII type syntax has its own pitfalls and its also a bit harder to animate as `NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat` returns an array.
## Prepare to meet your Maker!
Heres the same constraints created using ConstraintMaker
let padding = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 10, 10, 10)
view1.snp_makeConstraints { make in // with is an optional semantic filler
You can chain view attributes for increased readability:
// All edges but the top should equal those of the superview
## Hold on for dear life
Sometimes you need modify existing constraints in order to animate or remove/replace constraints.
In Snappy there are a few different approaches to updating constraints.
#### 1. References
You can hold on to a reference of a particular constraint by assigning the result of a constraint make expression to a local variable or a class property.
You could also reference multiple constraints by storing them away in an array.