* fix "Mutating a priority from required to not on an installed constra… (#323)
* fix "Mutating a priority from required to not on an installed constraint (or vice-versa) is not supported." when the priority is not changed
* add more check when changing layout constraint priority
* add more lenient check when changing layout constraint priority
* fix UILayoutPriorityRequired available only on iOS
* fix undeclared UILayoutPriority on macOS
* add check for tvOS
* change the result constraint of maker.center.equalTo(CGPoint) to based on the original point of superview (#336)
* change center.equalTo
* fix logic
* Add ConstraintMaker shortcuts for superview access (#341)
Added two new shortcuts for access superview in ConstraintMakerRelatable
* Add `topMargin` to constraint maker (#343)
* Fix erroneus scheme
* Update settings for Carthage
* Prepare 3.0.2 release
updateConstraints will no longer allow creation of new constraints but if you call updateConstraints and there have been no previous constraints created it will re-route to makeConstraints
This has no value unto itself, but is necessary for adding default
arguments to the ConstraintDescriptionRelatable methods, which we'll
need to instrument in source locations.
Instead of having a copy of each method for each type, factor the
constraint target logic to use a new protocol RelationTarget.
Note that since RelationTarget returns a new ConstraintItem and the
constructor for ConstraintItem is internal, a user will be unable to
erroneously extend the protocol.
LayoutSupport should really be a RelationTarget too, but it seems you
can't extenda a protocol to implement another protocol.