#if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) import UIKit typealias View = UIView extension View { var snp_constraints: [AnyObject] { return self.constraints } } #else import AppKit typealias View = NSView extension View { var snp_constraints: [AnyObject] { return self.constraints } } #endif import XCTest @testable import SnapKit class SnapKitTests: XCTestCase { let container = View() override func setUp() { super.setUp() // Put setup code here. This method is called before the invocation of each test method in the class. } override func tearDown() { // Put teardown code here. This method is called after the invocation of each test method in the class. super.tearDown() } func testMakeConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) make.left.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints installed") v2.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(v1) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 6, "Should have 6 constraints installed") } func testMakeImpliedSuperviewConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(50.0) make.left.equalTo(50.0) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints installed") v2.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(v1) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 6, "Should have 6 constraints installed") } func testUpdateConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) make.left.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints installed") v1.snp.updateConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(15) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should still have 2 constraints installed") } func testRemakeConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) make.left.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints installed") v1.snp.remakeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(v2) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints installed") } func testRemoveConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) make.left.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints installed") v1.snp.removeConstraints() XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints installed") } func testPrepareConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) let constraints = v1.snp.prepareConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(v2) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints installed") for constraint in constraints { constraint.activate() } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints installed") for constraint in constraints { constraint.deactivate() } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints installed") } func testReactivateConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) let constraints = v1.snp.prepareConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(v2) return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints installed") for constraint in constraints { constraint.activate() } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints installed") for constraint in constraints { constraint.deactivate() } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints installed") } func testActivateDeactivateConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) var c1: Constraint? = nil var c2: Constraint? = nil v1.snp.prepareConstraints { (make) -> Void in c1 = make.top.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50).constraint c2 = make.left.equalTo(v2.snp.top).offset(50).constraint return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints") c1?.activate() c2?.activate() XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") c1?.deactivate() c2?.deactivate() XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 0, "Should have 0 constraints") c1?.activate() c2?.activate() XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") } func testEdgeConstraints() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(self.container).offset(50.0) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") let constraints = self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint] XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[2].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[3].constant, 50, "Should be 50") } func testUpdateReferencedConstraints() { let v1 = View() let v2 = View() self.container.addSubview(v1) self.container.addSubview(v2) var c1: Constraint! = nil var c2: Constraint! = nil v1.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in c1 = make.top.equalTo(v2).offset(50).constraint c2 = make.bottom.equalTo(v2).offset(25).constraint return } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") let constraints = (self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]).sorted { $0.constant > $1.constant } XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 25, "Should be 25") c1.update(offset: 15) c2.update(offset: 20) XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 15, "Should be 15") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 20, "Should be 20") c1.update(inset: 15) c2.update(inset: 20) XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 15, "Should be 15") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, -20, "Should be -20") } func testInsetsAsConstraintsConstant() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(self.container).inset(50.0) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") let constraints = (self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]).sorted { $0.constant > $1.constant } XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[2].constant, -50, "Should be -50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[3].constant, -50, "Should be -50") } func testConstraintInsetsAsImpliedEqualToConstraints() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(ConstraintInsets(top: 25, left: 25, bottom: 25, right: 25)) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") let constraints = (self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]).sorted { $0.constant > $1.constant } XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 25, "Should be 25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 25, "Should be 25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[2].constant, -25, "Should be -25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[3].constant, -25, "Should be -25") } func testConstraintInsetsAsConstraintsConstant() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(self.container).inset(ConstraintInsets(top: 25, left: 25, bottom: 25, right: 25)) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") let constraints = (self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]).sorted { $0.constant > $1.constant } XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 25, "Should be 25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 25, "Should be 25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[2].constant, -25, "Should be -25") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[3].constant, -25, "Should be -25") } func testSizeConstraints() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.size.equalTo(CGSize(width: 50, height: 50)) make.left.top.equalTo(self.container) } XCTAssertEqual(view.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") let constraints = view.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint] // no guarantee which order the constraints are in, but we should test their couple let widthHeight = (NSLayoutAttribute.width.rawValue, NSLayoutAttribute.height.rawValue) let heightWidth = (widthHeight.1, widthHeight.0) let firstSecond = (constraints[0].firstAttribute.rawValue, constraints[1].firstAttribute.rawValue) // constraint values are correct in either width, height or height, width order XCTAssertTrue(firstSecond == widthHeight || firstSecond == heightWidth, "2 contraint values should match") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 50, "Should be 50") } func testCenterConstraints() { let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.center.equalTo(self.container).offset(50.0) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 2, "Should have 2 constraints") let constraints = self.container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint] XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].constant, 50, "Should be 50") XCTAssertEqual(constraints[1].constant, 50, "Should be 50") } func testConstraintIdentifier() { let identifier = "Test-Identifier" let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(self.container.snp.top).labeled(identifier) } let constraints = container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint] XCTAssertEqual(constraints[0].identifier, identifier, "Identifier should be 'Test'") } #if os(iOS) || os(tvOS) func testEdgesToMargins() { var fromAttributes = Set() var toAttributes = Set() let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.remakeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(self.container.snp.margins) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") for constraint in (container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]) { fromAttributes.insert(constraint.firstAttribute) toAttributes.insert(constraint.secondAttribute) } XCTAssert(fromAttributes == [.top, .left, .bottom, .right]) XCTAssert(toAttributes == [.topMargin, .leftMargin, .bottomMargin, .rightMargin]) fromAttributes.removeAll() toAttributes.removeAll() view.snp.remakeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.margins.equalTo(self.container.snp.edges) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") for constraint in (container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]) { fromAttributes.insert(constraint.firstAttribute) toAttributes.insert(constraint.secondAttribute) } XCTAssert(toAttributes == [.top, .left, .bottom, .right]) XCTAssert(fromAttributes == [.topMargin, .leftMargin, .bottomMargin, .rightMargin]) } func testEdgesToEdges() { var fromAttributes = Set() var toAttributes = Set() let view = View() self.container.addSubview(view) view.snp.remakeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.edges.equalTo(self.container.snp.edges) } XCTAssertEqual(self.container.snp_constraints.count, 4, "Should have 4 constraints") for constraint in (container.snp_constraints as! [NSLayoutConstraint]) { fromAttributes.insert(constraint.firstAttribute) toAttributes.insert(constraint.secondAttribute) } XCTAssert(fromAttributes == [.top, .left, .bottom, .right]) XCTAssert(toAttributes == [.top, .left, .bottom, .right]) } func testLayoutGuideConstraints() { let vc = UIViewController() vc.view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 300)) vc.view.addSubview(self.container) self.container.snp.makeConstraints { (make) -> Void in make.top.equalTo(vc.topLayoutGuide.snp.bottom) make.bottom.equalTo(vc.bottomLayoutGuide.snp.top) } print(vc.view.snp_constraints) XCTAssertEqual(vc.view.snp_constraints.count, 6, "Should have 6 constraints installed") } #endif }