/** * 部分代码借鉴自 NexT: * https://github.com/next-theme/hexo-theme-next/blob/master/scripts/events/lib/config.js */ 'use strict'; module.exports = hexo => { const { cache, language_switcher } = hexo.theme.config; const warning = function(...args) { hexo.log.warn(`Since ${args[0]} is turned on, the ${args[1]} is disabled to avoid potential hazards.`); }; if (cache && cache.enable && language_switcher) { warning('language_switcher', 'caching'); cache.enable = false; } if (cache && cache.enable && hexo.config.relative_link) { warning('caching', '`relative_link` option in Hexo `_config.yml`'); hexo.config.relative_link = false; } hexo.config.meta_generator = false; // merge data const data = hexo.locals.get('data'); if (data.widgets) { for (let id of Object.keys(data.widgets)) { hexo.theme.config.sidebar.widgets[id] = data.widgets[id]; } } // default menu if (hexo.theme.config.sidebar.menu == undefined) { hexo.theme.config.sidebar.menu = []; } // default widgets if (hexo.theme.config.sidebar.widgets.repo_info == undefined) { hexo.theme.config.sidebar.widgets.repo_info = {layout: 'repo_info'}; } if (hexo.theme.config.sidebar.widgets.wiki_more == undefined) { hexo.theme.config.sidebar.widgets.wiki_more = {layout: 'wiki_more'}; } };