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## [5.0.0-beta3 - Customizable SDWebImage, on Aug 30th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta3)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/15)
#### Features
- Minimum progress interval config for `SDWebImageDownloader` #2415 #2437 1d8454d
- Feature disk cache migration from 4.x #2417 #2433
- Add `SDImageFormatHEIF` represent `mif1` && `msf1` brands #2423 (imported from 4.4.3)
- Add default `HTTP User-Agent` for specific system #2409 (imported from 4.4.3)
- Replace `valueForKey` with `objectForKey` when access NSDictionary #2399
- Improved unit tests #2438 #2434
- Enhanced contributing guide #2416
- Adopt all the protocol APIs which contains getter value to use property instead, to make the API easy to use or Swift user #2452
- Remove `sd_setAnimationImagesWithURLs` API, because its cause ambiguity, behave not consistently and have rare use case #2459
- Improved `SDAnimatedImage` protocol with `initWithData:scale:options:` #2453
- Extra args for `SDSetImageBlock` (added `cacheType` and `imageURL`) #2449
#### Fixes
- Fix that using `NS_TYPED_ENUM` on `SDImageFormat` cause the existing Swift API (`sd_UTTypeFromImageFormat`) naming changed #2413
- Fix that downloader options about image decoding is not correctly set #2414
- Make download receive response notification only dispatch to specific observer #2426
- Fix a race condition during progressive animation load in `SDAnimatedImageView` #2435
- Fix the bug that `SDWebImageContextCacheKeyFilter` wrongly be used as cache serializer and cause crash #2451
- Fix resource key invalid when clean cached disk file #2462
- Add no expiration file support of disk cache #2461
## [5.0.0-beta2 - Customizable SDWebImage, on Jul 31st, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta2)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/15)
#### Features
- Add `SDImageCoderWebImageContext` coder option, which allow custom coder plugin, to receive the context option from top-level API #2405
- Updated all existing diagrams for 5.0 release + added new ones (small detailed diagrams for the most important components) #2407
#### Fixes
- Fix nullable key for `sd_imageLoadOperationForKey` #2389
- Replace `__bridge_transfer` with `__bridge` when convert from `CFStringRef` to `NSString` #2392
- Rename `sd_UTTypeFromSDImageFormat` to `sd_UTTypeFromImageFormat` #2395
- Change `SDImageFormat` to use `NS_TYPED_EXTENSIBLE_ENUM` instead of fixed enum, to allow custom coder plugins to extend it #2400
## [4.4.2 - 4.4 patch, on July 18th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.4.2)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.4.2 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/27)
#### Features
- Ability to change the clear cache option `SDImageCacheConfig.diskCacheExpireType` #2357
- Add option to enable or disable weak memory cache for `SDImageCache` via `SDImageCacheConfig.shouldUseWeakMemoryCache` #2379
- Add cache control for `FLAnimatedImage`, this allow user to disable memory cache for associated `FLAnimatedImage` instance #2378
- Add `diskImageDataForKey:` sync API for `SDImageCache` to directly get the image data from disk #2391
#### Fixes
- `SDWebImageManager.runningOperations` type changed from `Array` to `Set` #2382
- Keep the information about image's original compressed format #2390
- Fix `FLAnimatedImageView+WebCache` delayed draw due to #2047 which is now reverted #2393
- Check for nullable key when cancel image load operation #2386
- Replace `__bridge_transfer` with `__bridge` when convert from `CFStringRef` to `NSString` #2394
## [5.0.0-beta - Customizable SDWebImage, on Jul 17th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/5.0.0-beta)
See [all tickets marked for the 5.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/15)
#### Infrastructure
- the new requirements are **iOS 8.0+** and **macOS 10.10+** #2147
- **Xcode 9+**
#### Backwards incompatible changes
See the [5.0 Migration Guide](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rs/SDWebImage/5.x/Docs/SDWebImage-5.0-Migration-guide.md) for a list of comprehensive changes and the way to update your code
#### Features
- Introduce `SDAnimatedImageView`, `SDAnimatedImage` and refactor the way we handle animated images #2140
- Added APNG support via dedicated coder `SDImageAPNGCoder` #2149
- Refactored `SDWebImageDownloader` configs, separated them into a dedicated `SDWebImageDownloaderConfig` object #2263
- Refactored the way we work with the scale factor #2266
- Created request and response modifier #2261
- Refactor Cache Path API #2276
- Refactor custom cache serializer & headers filter for request level #2280
- Refactor cache - Support custom memory cache & disk cache #2282
- Refactor cache - Support custom web cache #2278
- Refactor - custom image loader - Supports loader protocol #2256
- Use `SDWebImageAvoidDecodeImage` to allow user to control force decode feature for individual image request #2283
- `SDImageCache` supports disk cache writing options. See `SDImageCacheConfig diskCacheWritingOptions` #2148
- `SDImageCache` now uses `NSData writeToFile:options:error` instead of `NSFileManager createFileAtPath:contents:attributes` #2148
- Moved `SDImageCache maxMemoryCost` and `SDImageCache maxMemoryCountLimit` to `SDImageCacheConfig` #2151
- Added `SDImageCache diskImageDataExistsWithKey:` synchronous method #2151
- Moved `UIImage sd_imageLoopCount` and `UIImage isGIF` (and renamed to `sd_isAnimated`) to `UIImage+Metadata` category, removed the outdated methods #2152
- Move context and other type definitions to a separate header (`SDWebImageDefine`) to allow to be included without dependency #2188
- Pass `context` arg from the top level APIs to the bottom level APIs to allow specify logic in the future #2189 d6a3e2c c24c3d3
- Refactor the image indicator by creating `SDWebImageIndicator` and `SDWebImageProgressIndicator` protocols and two concrete classes that implement activity and progress indicators for both UIKit and AppKit #2185 46b62cf
- Refactor the implementation of `SDWebImagePrefetcher` so it behaves more like a "shared instance" object, similar to other platform classes. Each instance will manage its own list of urls. #2191 1efc247 92f3d2c bc164d6
- Refactored and enhanced the way we allow image transformations. Switched from a single delegate method to composition of `SDImageTransformer` #2219
- API style refactoring - #2250
- Use property instead of setters and getters to make the property available in Swift
- Use class property with the correct name instead of `+(instanceType)sharedInstance` in singleton to make it more easy to use in Swift. The generated interface should be simple `open class var shared { get }`
- Add all nullability annotation to avoid any `AnyObject!` implicitly unwrapped optionals (Except that `null_resettable`)
- Add all Core Foundation Ownership using `CF_RETURNS_RETAINED` for
Get Rule and `CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED` for Create Rule to avoid any `Unmanaged` CF value
- Change all key for Dictionary with `NS_STRING_ENUM` to make it easy to use in Swift with dot syntax
- Change all global value type which represent enum with `NS_TYPED_ENUM` to make it easy to use in Swift with dot syntax
- Remove the extra calculation of image orientation for ImageIO coder & Fix macOS image orientation #2271
- Added `SDWebImageError` (defined as `NS_ERROR_ENUM`) to group all our errors together #2290
- Added tests for macOS
- Add the `SDWebImageContextStoreCacheType` context option to specify target cache type when the image is downloaded by manager and will store to cache #2360
- Feature watchOS `WKInterfaceImage` with `sd_setImageWithURL` #2331
- Add options to specify query cache sync/async behavior #2312
#### Fixes
- `SDWebImageManager loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` changed the `completed` param requirement from `nullable` to `nonnull` #2164
## [4.4.1 - 4.4 patch, on June 7th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.4.1)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.4.1 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/26)
#### Fixes
- Coder
- Fix that WebP (including Animated WebP) decoding issue on iOS 12 #2348 #2347
- Downloader
- Fix that the downloader operation may not call the completion block when requesting the same image url in race condition #2346 #2344
## [4.4.0 - watchOS View Category, on May 31st, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.4.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.4.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/25)
#### Features
- View Category
- Add the support for watchOS to use View Category method (`sd_setImageWithURL:`) on WKInterfaceImage #2343
- Add optimalFrameCacheSize && predrawingEnabled options for FLAnimatedImage #2323
- Cache
- Add `SDImageCacheScaleDownLargeImages` to allow cache to scale down large images if need #2281 #2273
#### Improvements
- View Category
- Add `UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction` as default options for convenient image transition #2315
- Manager
- Replace `@synchronized` with dispatch_semaphore_t in SDWebImageManager #2340
#### Performances
- Coder
- Remove the extra calculation of image orientation for ImageIO coder #2313
- Remove the duplicated process to force decode (draw on bitmap context) in Image/IO's progressive decoding #2314
- Common
- Minor optimize for dispatch_queue_async_safe #2329
#### Fixes
- Coder
- Fix that force decode not works for alpha-channel images #2272 #2297
- Fix WebP Encoding only works for RGBA8888 CGImage but not other color mode #2318
- Fix the thread-safe issue for coders manager #2274 #2249 #1484
- Fix the wrong declaration of NSArray generics #2260
#### Docs
- Fix function storeImageDataToDisk description #2301
## [4.3.3 - Cache Serializer, on Mar 12th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.3.3)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.3.3 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/24)
#### Features
- Manager
- Add cacheSerializer to allow user provide modified version of data when storing the disk cache in SDWebImageManager #2245
- Add a delegate method to control the custom logic when blocking the failed url #2246
#### Improvements
- Project
- Enable CLANG\_WARN\_OBJC\_IMPLICIT\_RETAIN\_SELF and fix warning #2242
## [4.3.2 - 4.3 Patch, on Feb 28th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.3.2)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.3.2 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/23)
#### Fixes
- Download Operation
- Fix that iOS 8 NSURLSessionTaskPriorityHigh symbol not defined in Foundation framework and cause crash #2231 #2230
#### Improvements
- Downloader
- Follow Apple's doc, add NSOperation only after all configuration done #2232
## [4.3.1 - 4.3 Patch, on Feb 25th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.3.1)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.3.1 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/22)
#### Fixes
- Cache
- Fix that SDImageCacheQueryDataWhenInMemory should response cacheType to memory cache when the in-memory cache hit #2218
- Project
- Fix the macOS wrong minimum deployment target version to 10.9 #2206
#### Performances
- Download Operation
- Decode the image in the operation level's queue instead of URLSession delegate queue #2199
#### Improvements
- Coder
- Create a subclass of NSBitmapImageRep to fix the GIF frame duration issue on macOS #2223
- View Category
- Expose the read write to FLAnimatedImage associate to the UIImage to allow advanced feature like placeholder #2220
- Cache
- Create a subclass of NSCache using a weak cache #2228
- Download Operation
- Improvement download operation for priority and some protect #2208
- Project
## [4.3.0 - Image Progress & Transition, on Jan 31th, 2018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.3.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.3.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/21)
#### Features
- View Category
- Add NSProgress API in `sd_imageProgress` property represent the image loading progress, this allow user add KVO on it for complicated logic #2172
- Add Image Transition API in `sd_imageTransition` property support custom image transition after image load finished #2182
- Add NSButton WebCache category on macOS #2183
- Cache
- Add query cache options for query method #2162
- Add sync version API diskImageDataExistsWithKey and diskCacheWritingOptions #2190
- Manager
- Add a option SDWebImageFromCacheOnly to load the image from cache only and prevent network #2186
#### Fixes
- Coder
- Fix GIF loopCount when the GIF image has no Netscape 2.0 loop extension #2155
- View Category
- Fix the issue that `setAnimationImagesWithURLs` weak reference may dealloc before the animated images was set #2178
- Cache
- Fix the getSize method which use the default file manager instead of current file manager #2180
- Manager
- Fix the leak of runningOperations on race condition #2177
- Downloader
- Ensure all the session delegate completionHandler called and fix the leak when response error code below iOS 10 #2197
- Fix dispatch_sync blocking the main queue on race condition #2184
- Fix the thread-safe issue for headers mutable dictionary in downlaoder #2204
- Download Operation
- Fix that 0 pixels error should be used when width OR height is zero but not AND #2160
- Use the synchronized to access NSURLCache and try fix the potential thread-safe problem #2174
- Prefetcher
- Fix the issue that prefetcher will cause stack overflow when the input urls list is huge because of recursion function call #2196
#### Performances
- View Category
- Use the associate object to store the FLAnimatedImage into memory cache, avoid blinking or UIView transition #2181
#### Improvements
- Cache
- Remove the extra memory warning notification for AutoPurgeCache #2153
- Downloader
- Avoid user accidentally invalidates the session used in shared downloader #2154
- Project
- Update the spec file to define the dependency version for libwebp #2169
## [4.2.3 - 4.2 Patch, on Nov 30th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.2.3)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.2.3 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/20)
#### Features
- Add a public API to allow user to invalidate URLSession used in SDWebImageDownloader to avoid memory leak on non-singleton instance #2116
- Add a SDWebImageExternalCustomManagerKey context arguments to allow user to custom image manager for UIView category #2115
- Allow custom SDWebImageDownloaderOperation to handle HTTP redirect #2123
#### Fixes
- Fix that FLAnimatedImageView blink and flash when collectionView reload #2102 #2106
- Fix that SDWebImagePrefetcher startPrefetchingAtIndex accident crash #2110 #2111
- Fix that Progressive WebP decoding not showing on iOS 11.2 #2130 #2131
- Fix crash in method implementation of sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey, and avoid retain of operation #2113 #2125 #2132
- Fix Clang Static Analyzer warning for number nil check from Xcode 9.2 #2142 #2143
#### Improvements
- Adopt the current requirement, change ImageIO coder's canDecodeFromHEIC to actual implementation #2146 #2138
- When store image with no data for SDImageCache, check whether it contains alpha to use PNG or JPEG format #2136
## [4.2.2 - 4.2 Patch, on Nov 7th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.2.2)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.2.2 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/19)
#### Features
- Update our iOS demo to modern way, add a `UIProgressView` to show image download progress #2096
#### Fixes
- Fix that completion block and set image block are called asynchronously for `UIView+WebCache` #2093 #2097 #2092
- Fix WebP progressive decoding may do extra calculate #2095
## [4.2.1 - 4.2 Patch, on Oct 31st, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.2.1)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.2.1 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/18)
#### Features
- Feature refactor built-in coders and support animated webp on macOS #2082 (reusable code into `SDWebImageCoderHelper`; `SDWebImageFrame` abstracts animated images frames)
#### Fixes
- Fixed EXIF orientation method will crash on iOS 7 because it’s an iOS 8 above API #2082
## [4.2.0 - Pluginable coders, on Oct 30th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.2.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.2.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/16)
#### Features
- Refactor decoding code and provide decoding plugin #1991
- HEIC format support #2080 #1853 #2038
- Welcome back our previous `UIImage+GIF` category for animated GIF! Not enabled by default. #2064
- Add the animated GIF encoding support for `SDWebImageGIFCoder` on `macOS` (use `NSImage` API) #2067
- Implemented `-[NSImage isGIF]` method to return whether current `NSImage` has GIF representation #2071
- Allow user to provide reading options such as mapped file to improve performance in `SDImageCache` disk cache #2057
- Add progressive image load for WebP images #1991 #1987 #1986
- CI builds use Xcode 9
- Fixed our tests and improved the code coverage #2068
#### Fixes
- Fixed lost orientation issues #1991 #2034 #2026 #1014 #1040 #815
- Fixed `UIImage(GIF) sd_animatedGIFWithData` crash #1991 #1837
- Fixed progressive WebP height issue #2066
- Fixed `SDWebImageManager.m __destroy_helper_block_` crash #2048 #1941
- Fixed cached image filename are sometimes generated with invalid path extensions #2061
- Fixed GIF performance problem #1901 by creating `FLAnimatedImage` instance on global queue #2047
#### Docs
- Updated diagrams
## [4.1.2 - 4.1 patch, on Oct 9th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.1.2)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.1.2 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/17)
#### Fixes
- Fix `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` not call `done` when use `SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse` #2049
- Static `WebP` decoding little enhancement. Do not need create `WebP` iterator for static images #2050
- Change `finished` check from `equal` to `equal or greater than` to protect accident condition #2051
## [4.1.1 - 4.1 patch, on Oct 6th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.1.1)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.1.1 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/14)
#### Fixes
- Fixed crash on `[SDWebImageDownloaderOperation reset]_block_invoke` 2f892f9 fixes #1883
- Fixed `SDWebImageDownloadOperation` `imageData` multi-thread issue #2011 fixes #1998 `[SDWebImageDownloaderOperation URLSession:dataTask:didReceiveData:]` crash
- Fixed `CFRelease` on `NULL` if `CGImageSourceRef` create failed #1978 fixes #1968 #1834 #1947
- Fixed request cache policy #1994 #2032 fixes #1993 #1861 #1623 was introduced by #1737 (unit test #2031)
- Fixed `CGBitmapContextCreate` bitmap memory leak #1976 replaces #1860 fixes #1974
- Fixed issue #2001, add `sd_currentBackgroundImageURL` and `sd_backgroundImageURLForState:` for `UIButton` #2002
- Set `UIButton` placeholer-image even if the url is `nil` #2043 fixes #1721 #1964 replaces #1790
- Use `CGImageSourceCreateIncremental` to perform progressive decoding instead of decode partial data each time from the beginning to improve performance and remove that gray background #2040 fixes #1899
- Fix *SDWebImage v4* can not import *libwebp* framework's header files #1983 fixes #1887
- Fix unreachable code build warning on `macOS` #1984
#### Improvements
- Performance enhancement related to single `WebP` and animated `WebP` decoding #1985 fixes #1999 #1885
- Use `FOUNDATION_EXPORT` over `extern` #1977
- Move common test logic to `SDTestCase` #1980
- Enabled `CLANG_WARN_STRICT_PROTOTYPES` #1995 #2027 fixes #2022
- Update `macOS Demo` deployment target to `10.10` to support build on `Xcode 9` #2035
#### Docs
- Updated *Manual Installation* section #2030 fixes #2012
## [4.1.0 - Swift API cleanup, on Jul 31st, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.1.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.1.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/13)
#### Features
- add ability to change `NSURLSessionConfiguration` used by `SDWebImageDownloader` #1891 fixes #1870
- support animated GIF on `macOS` #1975
- cleanup the Swift interface by making unavailable all methods with missing params that have alternatives - see #1797 - this may cause require some changes in the Swift code
#### Fixes
- handle `NSURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost` #1767
- fixed `CFBundleVersion` and `CFBundleShortVersionString` not valid for all platforms #1784 + 23a8be8 fixes #1780
- fixed `UIActivityIndicator` not always initialized on main thread #1802 + a6af214 fixes #1801
- `SDImageCacheConfig` forward declaration changed to import #1805
- making image downloading cache policy more clearer #1737
- added `@autoreleasepool` to `SDImageCache.storeImage` #1849
- fixed 32bit machine `long long` type transfer to NSInteger may become negative #1879
- fixed crash on multiple concurrent downloads when accessing `self.URLOperations` dictionary #1911 fixes #1909 #1950 #1835 #1838
- fixed crash due to incorrectly retained pointer to operation `self` which appears to create a dangled pointer #1940 fixes #1807 #1858 #1859 #1821 #1925 #1883 #1816 #1716
- fixed Swift naming collision (due to the Obj-C interface that offers multiple variants of the same method but with mixed and missing params) #1797 fixes #1764
- coding style #1971
- fixed Umbrella header warning for the FLAnimatedImage (while using Carthage) d9f7cf4 (replaces #1781) fixes #1776
- fixed issue where animated image arrays could be populated out of order (order of download) #1452
- fixed animated WebP decoding issue, including canvas size, the support for dispose method and the duration per frame #1952 (replaces #1694) fixes #1951
#### Docs
- #1778 #1779 #1788 #1799 b1c3bb7 (replaces #1806) 0df32ea #1847 5eb83c3 (replaces #1828) #1946 #1966
## [4.0.0 - New platforms (Mac OS X and watchOS) + refactoring, on Jan 28th, 2017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.0.0)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/3)
Versions 4.0.0-beta and 4.0.0-beta 2 list all the changes.
## [4.0.0 beta 2 - New platforms (Mac OS X and watchOS) + refactoring, on Oct 6th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.0.0-beta2)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/3)
#### Features
- Add an option to scale down large images #787 00bf467 efad1e5 8d1a0ae. Fixed #538, #880 and #586. This one is a more robust solution than #884 or #894. Can be activated via `SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages` or `SDWebImageDownloaderScaleDownLargeImages`
#### Fixes
- Fixed #1668 CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0 - b366d84
## [4.0.0 beta - New platforms (Mac OS X and watchOS) + refactoring, on Oct 5th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.0.0-beta)
See [all tickets marked for the 4.0.0 release](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/milestone/3)
#### Infrastructure:
- support for **watchOS** and **OS X** platforms #1595
- the `SDWebImage xcodeproj` contains the following targets:
- `SDWebImage iOS static` (iOS static lib)
- `SDWebImage watchOS static` (watchOS static lib)
- `SDWebImage OSX` (OSX dynamic framework)
- `SDWebImage iOS` (iOS dynamic framework)
- `SDWebImage tvOS` (tvOS dynamic framework)
- `SDWebImage watchOS` (watchOS dynamic framework)
- the `SDWebImage Demo xcodeproj` contains the following targets:
- `SDWebImage OSX Demo`
- `SDWebImage iOS Demo`
- `SDWebImage TV Demo`
- `SDWebImage Watch Demo`
- bumped `libwep` version to `0.5.1`
- improved unit testing code coverage (*35%* -> **77%**) and integrated [CodeCov](https://codecov.io/gh/rs/SDWebImage)
#### Backwards incompatible changes
- removed all deprecated methods (that we carried around for backwards compatibility in previous versions) #774
- Renamed `SDWebImageManager` `downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` to `loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` as it makes more sense, since we check the cache first and download only if needed a32a177
- Deleted targets: `SDWebImage+MKAnnotation`, `SDWebImage+WebP`, `SDWebImageFramework`:
- `SDWebImage `target that build as a static library (all subspecs included) -> `libSDWebImage.a`
- `SDWebImageiOS` and `SDWebImagetvOS` targets that build as dynamic frameworks
- Renamed the dynamic frameworks targets from `WebImage` to `SDWebImage`. Renamed the `WebImage.h` to `SDWebImage.h` to match the framework naming
- Renamed the schemes for consistency. Updated the Tests Podfile + project.
- For #883 Fix multiple requests for same image and then canceling one, several breaking changes were needed:
- `SDWebImageDownloader` method `- downloadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` now returns a `SDWebImageDownloadToken *` instead of `id <SDWebImageOperation>` (give the ability to cancel downloads using the returned token)
- `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` initializer `- initWithRequest:options:progress:completed:cancelled` split into `- initWithRequest:options` and `addHandlersForProgress:completed:`. Note: there is no more cancel block
- Modern Objective-C syntax done in 64382b9 includes:
- initializers now return `instancetype` instead of `id`
- explicit designated initializers (i.e. for `SDImageCache`)
- For #1575 GIF support using FLAnimatedImage, several changes were needed:
- replaced type `SDWebImageQueryCompletedBlock` with `SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock` and added an `NSData *` param
- because of the change above, the `done` param of `SDImageCache` `queryDiskCacheForKey:done:` is now a `SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock` and those blocks must now include an `NSData *` param
- replaced type `SDWebImageCompletionWithFinishedBlock` with `SDInternalCompletionBlock` and added an `NSData *` param
- because of the change above, the `completed` param of `SDWebImageManager` `loadImageWithURL:options:progress:completed:` is now `SDInternalCompletionBlock` and those blocks must now include an `NSData *` param
- for consistency with the previous change, also renamed `SDWebImageCompletionBlock` to `SDExternalCompletionBlock`
- `UIImage` will no longer respond to `sd_animatedGIFNamed:` or `sd_animatedImageByScalingAndCroppingToSize:`
- Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
- breaks compatibility at least for Swift users of the framework
- **watchOS** and **OS X** support #1595 required
- renamed `SDWebImage` iOS static lib target to `SDWebImage iOS static` for clarity
- improving the unit tests code coverage #1681 required
- Refactored `NSData` `ImageContentType` category, instead of returning the contentType as a string, the new added method `sd_imageFormatForImageData` will return a `SDImageFormat` enum value
- `SDImageCache` configuration properties moved into `SDImageCacheConfig` (which is now available via `config` property):
- `shouldDecompressImages`
- `shouldDisableiCloud`
- `shouldCacheImagesInMemory`
- `maxCacheAge`
- `maxCacheSize`
- The `storeImage:` methods from `SDImageCache` were async already, but declared as sync. Properly marked them as async + added completion. Got rid of the recalculate param. If the `NSData` is provided, use it. Otherwise, recalculate from the `UIImage`
- Removed the synchronous methods `diskImageExistsForURL:` and `cachedImageExistsForURL:` from `SDWebImageManager`
- Removed the synchronous method `diskImageExistsWithKey:` from `SDImageCache`
- Get rid of the confusion caused by `cleanDisk` and `clearDisk` on `SDImageCache`. Renamed `cleanDisk` to `deleteOldFiles`. No longer expose the sync `clearDisk` and `deleteOldFiles`, just the async ones.
- Renamed `SDImageCache` `queryDiskCacheForKey:done:` to `queryCacheOperationForKey:done:`
- Another `SDImageCache` clarification: `imageFromDiskCacheForKey:` used to also check the memory cache which I think is misleading. Now `imageFromDiskCacheForKey` only checks the disk cache and the new method `imageFromCacheForKey` checks both caches
- Got rid of `removeImageForKey:` and `removeImageForKey:fromDisk:` from `SDImageCache` that looked sync but were async. Left only the 2 async ones
- Removed `UIImageView` `sd_cancelCurrentHighlightedImageLoad`
- Added `sd_` prefix to the activity indicator related methods (`setShowActivityIndicatorView:`, `setIndicatorStyle:`, `showActivityIndicatorView`, `addActivityIndicator`, `removeActivityIndicator`) #1640
- Use `dispatch_main_async_safe` for all the completion blocks on the main queue (used to be `dispatch_sync`) - avoiding locks.
- Removed `dispatch_main_sync_safe` as it can be mistakenly used
- Add `url` as param to progress block `SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock` - #984
#### Features:
- Switched our GIF support to a better implementation: [FLAnimatedImage by Flipboard](https://github.com/Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage) #1575
- requires iOS 8+ (it's the only way due to FLAnimatedImage requirements)
- the implementation relies on a `WebCache` category on top of `FLAnimatedImageView`
- details in the [README](README.md#animated-images-gif-support)
- Converted any remaining code to Modern Objective-C syntax - 64382b9
- Xcode 7 Objective-C updates (Lightweight Generics and Nullability) #1581
- via #1595 Clarified and simplified the usage of `TARGET_OS_*` macros. Added `SD_MAC`, `SD_UIKIT`, `SD_IOS`, `SD_TV`, `SD_WATCH`. The biggest issue here was `TARGET_OS_MAC` was 1 for all platforms and we couldn't rely on it.
- Replaces #1398 Allow to customise cache and image downloader instances used with `SDWebImageManager` - added a new initializer (`initWithCache:downloader:`) 9112170
- `UIImage` responds to `sd_imageData` and `sd_imageDataAsFormat:` via the `MultiFormat` category. Those methods transform a `UIImage` to the `NSData` representation 82d1f2e
- Created `SDWebImageDownloaderOperationInterface` to describe the behavior of a downloader operation. Any custom operation must conform to this protocol df3b6a5
- Refactored all the duplicate code from our `WebCache` categories into a `UIView` `WebCache` category. All the other categories will make calls to this one. Customization of setting the image is done via the `setImageBlock` and the `operationKey` e1840c3
- Due to the change above, the activity indicator can now be added to `UIButton`, `MKAnnotationView`, `UIImageView`
- Animated WebP support #1438
- The shared objects (not really singletons) should allow subclassing, therefore the return type of the shared resource method should be `instancetype` and not a fixed type - c57cf7e
- Allow to specify `NSURLSessionConfiguration` for `SDWebImageDownloader` #1654
- Add `url` as param to progress block `SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock` - #984
#### Fixes:
- Fix multiple requests for same image and then canceling one #883 + 8a78586
- Fixed #1444 and the master build thanks to [@kenmaz](https://github.com/kenmaz/SDWebImage/commit/5034c334be50765dfe4e97c48bcb74ef64175188)
- Fixed an issue with the `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` : `cancelInternal` was not called because of the old mechanism rellying on the `thread` property - probably because that thread did not have a runloop. Removed that and now cancelInternal is called as expected f4bdae6
- Replaced #781 on replacing dispatch_sync with dispatch_async for the main queue 062e50a f7e8246 c77adf4 fdb8b2c 265ace4 0c47bc3. Check for main queue instead of main thread.
- Fixed #1619 iOS 10 crash (`setObjectForKey: object cannot be nil`) - #1676 7940577
- Fixed #1326 #1424 (`Carthage bitcode issue`) - #1593
- Fixed #1639 via #1657 (`Add support for downloading images behind redirect`)
- Replaced #1537 via 9cd6779 - fixed a potential retain cycle
- Updated `dispatch_main_async_safe` macro in order to avoid redefinition when included as Pod
- Fixed #1089 by updating the docs on the calling queue for the `progressBlock` (background queue)
- Fixed a compilation issue on `FLAnimatedImageView+WebCache` - #1687
## [3.8.2 Patch release for 3.8.0 on Sep 5th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.8.2)
#### Fixes:
- Fixed #1608 #1623 #1644 Crash in `[NSURLCache cachedResponseForRequest:]` - the fix is actually avoiding to access `NSURLCache` which appears to generate a race condition. We only call it if necesarry (`SDWebImageRefreshCached` is used and the image cannot be cached by the system when it's too big or behind authentication)
## [3.8.1 Patch release for 3.8.0 on Jun 7th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.8.1)
#### Fixes:
- SDWebImage 3.8.0 get wrong image #1589 - the issue was caused by the changes in 3.8.0 (Removed the URL query params from the filename (key) fb0cdb6d 1bf62d4 #1584 - fixes #1433 #1553 #1583 #1585) - Reverted.
- Note: The solution for those issues (i.e. #1433 #1553) is to set the `SDWebImageManager` `cacheKeyFilter` block and do their own calculations there.
## [3.8.0 Minor release - Replaces NSURLConnection (deprecated) with NSURLSession - on Jun 6th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.8.0)
#### Infrastructure:
- Had to update the iOS deployment target to 7.0 from 5 - 6545a3a
#### Features:
- Replace deprecated `NSURLConnection` with `NSURLSession` #1578 #1586 - fixes #1291 #1318 #823 #1566 #1515
- Allow to customise cache and image downloader instances used with `SDWebImageManager` 86fc47bf7b - fixes #1398 #870
#### Fixes:
- Removed the URL query params from the filename (key) fb0cdb6d 1bf62d4 #1584 - fixes #1433 #1553 #1583 #1585
- Fixed the WebP build with the official 1.0.0 CocoaPods release f1a471e - fixes #1444
- Updated doc: `removeImageForKey:` not synchronous e6e5c51 - fixes #1379 #1415
## [3.7.6 Patch release for 3.7.0 on May 8th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.6)
#### Infrastructure:
- Changed the **libwebp git url** so that people from China can access it - #1390 (from `https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp` to `https://github.com/webmproject/libwebp`)
#### Features:
- Added `cancelAllDownloads` method to `SDWebImageDownloader` #1504
- Added API to save image `NSData` to disk cache: `[SDImageCache storeImageDataToDisk:forKey:]` #1453
#### Fixes:
- Fix #1449: Version 3.7.5 breaks semantic versioning (removes public API). Re-added `sd_setImageWithPreviousCachedImageWithURL:andPlaceholderImage:options:progress:completed:` and deprecated it. Will remove it in 4.0.0 b40124c
- Fix `CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0` - #1496 (fixes #1401 #1454 #1457)
- Fix `CGBitmapContextCreateImage: invalid context 0x0` - #1464 (fixes #1423)
- Fix changed image size when loading from disk #1540 (fixes #1437)
- Repair memory release in the iPad environment #1549 (had to switch `#if TARGET_OS_IPHONE` to `#if TARGET_OS_IOS`)
- Fixed completion logic in `MKAnnotationView+WebCache` #1547
- Optimize the decoder to avoid unwanted blended layer - #1527 (fixes #1524)
- Protect against malformed frame for GIFs - #1447
- updated doc: #1462 #1466 #1486 #1532 #1461
## [3.7.5 Patch release for 3.7.0 on Jan 21st, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.5)
- fixed #1425 and #1426 - Continuation of Fix #1366, addresses #1350 and reverts a part of #1221 - from commit 6406d8e, the wrong usage of `dispatch_apply`
- fixed #1422 - Added a fallback for #976 so that if there are images saved with the old format (no extension), they can still be loaded
## [3.7.4 Patch release for 3.7.0 with tvOS support on Jan 8th, 2016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.4)
#### Updates
- bumped `libwep` version to `0.4.4`
#### Features:
- added tvOS support #1327 and #1358 - fix #1368 and #1302
#### Fixes:
- #1217 contains several of the above fixes
- fix #391 -> option to cache only on Disk. will replace #1130
- fix #343 -> iCloud backup Option
- fix #371 -> CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination + #1268 #1412 #1340
- fix #576 -> scale set to screen scale
- fix #1035 -> progress queue with dispatch_async
- new feature -> activity indicator using auto layout. The activity indicator feature will replace #131
- #1218 progress callbacks now report on main thread - fixes #1035
- #1321 Added a new constructor to SDWebImagePrefetcher - replaces #956
- #976 append the original path extension to the hash filename - fixes #967
- replaced #999 with #1221
- added cache tests #1125
- #1236 fixes #1203
- bf899e2 fixes #1261 #1263 compilation issue CocoaPods vs non-CocoaPods
- #1367 fixes a bug where image scale & orientation are ignored when decoding / decompressing an image
- cac21e1 fixes #1366, addresses #1350 and reverts a part of #1221 - from commit 6406d8e, the wrong usage of dispatch_apply
- #1363 fixes #1361 sd_cancelBackgroundImageLoadForState
- #1348 Create a strong ref of weakOperation in the entry of The image download subOperation, use the strong ref instead weakOperation. At the same time, repair some logic of the 'If cancelled'
- dcb7985 replaces #1345 - Load local credential file
- #1323 don't to perform download if url is "" but not nil
- #1310 Added support for SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage option to UIButton and highlighted UIImageView categories
- #1308 Added Swift installation tips
- 32923fa Xcode 7.1 updates
- #1297 cleaner implementation of failedUrl error handling - fixes #1275
- #1280 Fix sd_animatedImageByScalingAndCroppingToSize
- Remove logging from the image prefetcher - #1276
- Fix typos #1256 #1257 #1258 #1331 #1290
## [3.7.3 Patch release for 3.7.0 with iOS8+ framework and Carthage on Jun 13th, 2015](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.3)
- Adds support for **iOS 8+ Framework and Carthage** [#1071](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1071) [#1081](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1081) [#1101](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1101)
- [Refactor] Use `NSMutableSet` for failed URLs' storage instead of array [#1076](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1076)
- Make a constant for the error domain [#1011](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1011)
- Improve operation behavior [#988](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/988)
- Bug fix: `Collection <__NSArrayM: > was mutated while being enumerated` [#985](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/985)
- added `SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage` option to avoid automatic image addition in `UIImageView` and let developer to do it himself [#1188](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1188)
- Added support for custom disk cache folder with fall back for caches directory [#1153](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1153)
- Added some files to the workspace so they are easier to edit [8431481](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/8431481)
- Doc update [72ed897](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/72ed897) [7f99c01](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/7f99c01) [#1016](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1016) [#1038](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1038) [#1045](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1045)
- [Memory Issue] Clear `SDWebImagePrefetcher` `progressBlock` when it has completed [#1017](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1017)
- avoid warning `<Error>: ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithData data parameter is nil` if `imageData` is nil [88ee3c6](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/88ee3c6) [#1018](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1018)
- allow override `diskCachePath` [#1041](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1041)
- Use `__typeof(self)` when assigning `weak` reference for block [#1054](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1054)
- [Refactor] Implement cache cost calculation as a inline function [#1075](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1075)
- @3x support [9620fff](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/9620fff) [#1005](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1005)
- Fix parenthesis to avoid crashes [#1104](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1104)
- Add `NSCache` countLimit property [#1140](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1140)
- `failedURLs` can be removed at the appropriate time [#1111](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1111)
- Purge `NSCache` on system memory notifications [#1143](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1143)
- Determines at runtime is `UIApplication` is available as per [#1082](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/1082) [#1085](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1085)
- Fixes http://git.chromium.org/webm/libwebp.git/info/refs not valid [#1175](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1175) + Reverted [#1193](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1193) + [#1177](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1177)
- 404 image url was causing the test to fail [0e761f4](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/0e761f4)
- Fix for transparency being lost in transformed images. [#1121](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1121)
- Add handling for additional error codes that shouldn't be considered a permanent failure [#1159](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1159)
- add webp accepted content type only if `WebP` enabled [#1178](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1178)
- fix `ImageIO: CGImageSourceCreateWithData` data parameter is nil [#1167](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1167)
- Applied patch for issue [#1074](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/1074) SDWebImage residing in swift module breaks the debugger [#1138](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1138)
- Fixed URLs with trailing parameters get assigned an incorrect image scale value [#1157](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/1157) [#1158](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1158)
- Add newline to avoid compiler warning in `WebImage.h` [#1199](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/1199)
## [3.7.2 Updated patch release for 3.7.0 on Mar 17th, 2015](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.2)
#### Updates
- bumped `libwep` version to `0.4.3`
#### Features:
- implement `SDWebImageDownloaderAllowInvalidSSLCertificates` option - [#937](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/937)
- flag to transform animated images (`SDWebImageTransformAnimatedImage`) - [#703](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/703)
- allows user to override default `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation` - [#876](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/876)
- adds option to decompress images and select prefetcher queue - [#996](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/996)
#### Fixes:
- fixed [#809](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/809) `cancelAll` crash - [#838](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/838)
- fixed [#900](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/900) by adding a new flag `SD_LOG_NONE` that allows silencing the SD logs from the Prefetcher
- fixed [#895](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/895) unsafe setImage in `setImageWithURL:` - [#896](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/896)
- fix `NSNotificationCenter` dispatch on subthreads - [#987](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/987)
- fix `SDWebImageDownloader` threading issue - [#104](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/104)6
- fixed duplicate failed urls are added into `failedURLs` - [#994](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/994)
- increased default `maxConcurrentOperationCount`, fixes [#527](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/527) - [#897](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/897)
- handle empty urls `NSArray` - [#929](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/929)
- decoding webp, depends on source image data alpha status - [#936](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/936)
- fix [#610](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/610) display progressive jpeg issue - [#840](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/840)
- the code from `SDWebImageDownloaderOperation connection:didFailWithError:` should match the code from `connectionDidFinishLoading:`. This fixes [#872](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/872) - [7f39e5e](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/7f39e5e)
- `304 - Not Modified` HTTP status code handling - [#942](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/942)
- cost compute fix - [#941](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/941)
- initialise `kPNGSignatureData` data - [#981](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/981)
#### Documentation
- documentation updated
## [3.7.1 Patch release for 3.7.0 on Jul 23rd, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.1)
- fixed `sd_imageOrientationFromImageData:` crash if imageSource is nil - [#819](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/819) [#813](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/813) [#808](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/808) [#828](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/828) - temporary fix
- fixed `SDWebImageCombinedOperation cancel` crash (also visible as `SDWebImageManager cancelAll`) - [28109c4](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/28109c4) [#798](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/798) [#809](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/809)
- fixed duplicate symbols when using with webp via pods - [#795](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/795)
- fixed missing `mark` from `pragma mark` - [#827](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/827)
## [3.7.0 Xcode6, arm64, highlight UIImageView, imageURL ref, NTLM, ... on Jul 14th, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.7.0)
## Features
- Add category for imageView's highlighted state `UIImageView+HighlightedWebCache` - [#646](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/646) [#765](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/765)
- Keep a reference to the image URL - [#560](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/560)
- Pass imageURL in completedBlock - [#770](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/770)
- Implemented NTLM auth support. Replaced deprecated auth challenge methods from `NSURLConnectionDelegate` - [#711](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/711) [50c4d1d](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/50c4d1d)
- Ability to suspend image downloaders `SDWebImageDownloader setSuspended:` - [#734](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/734)
- Delay the loading of the placeholder image until after load - [#701](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/701)
- Ability to save images to cache directly - [#714](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/714)
- Support for image orientation - [#764](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/764)
- Added async `SDImageCache removeImageForKey:withCompletion:` - [#732](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/732) [cd4b925](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/cd4b925)
- Exposed cache paths - [#339](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/339)
- Exposed `SDWebImageManager cacheKeyForURL:` - [5fd21e5](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/5fd21e5)
- Exposing `SDWebImageManager` instance from the `SDWebImagePrefetcher` class - [6c409cd](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/6c409cd)
- `SDWebImageManager` uses the shared instance of `SDWebImageDownloader` - [0772019](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/0772019)
- Refactor the cancel logic - [#771](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/771) [6d01e80](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/6d01e80) [23874cd](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/23874cd) [a6f11b3](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/a6f11b3)
- Added method `SDWebImageManager cachedImageExistsForURL:` to check if an image exists in either the disk OR the memory cache - [#644](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/644)
- Added option to use the cached image instead of the placeholder for `UIImageView`. Replaces [#541](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/541) - [#599](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/599) [30f6726](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/30f6726)
- Created workspace + added unit tests target
- Updated documentation - [#476](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/476) [#384](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/384) [#526](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/526) [#376](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/376) [a8f5627](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/a8f5627)
## Bugfixes
- Fixed Xcode 6 builds - [#741](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/741) [0b47342](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/0b47342)
- Fixed `diskImageExistsWithKey:` deadlock - [#625](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/625) [6e4fbaf](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/6e4fbaf)
For consistency, added async methods in `SDWebImageManager` `cachedImageExistsForURL:completion:` and `diskImageExistsForURL:completion:`
- Fixed race condition that causes cancellation of one download operation to stop a run loop that is now used for another download operation. Race is introduced through `performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:` - [#698](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/698)
- Fixed race condition between operation cancelation and loading finish - [39db378](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/39db378) [#621](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/621) [#783](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/783)
- Fixed race condition in SDWebImageManager if one operation is cancelled - [f080e38](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/f080e38) [#699](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/699)
- Fixed issue where cancelled operations aren't removed from `runningOperations` - [#68](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/68)
- Should not add url to failedURLs when timeout, cancel and so on - [#766](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/766) [#707](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/707)
- Fixed potential *object mutated while being enumerated* crash - [#727](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/727) [#728](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/728) (revert a threading fix from [#727](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/727))
- Fixed `NSURLConnection` response statusCode not valid (e.g. 404), downloader never stops its runloop and hangs the operation queue - [#735](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/735)
- Fixed `SDWebImageRefreshCached` bug for large images - [#744](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/744)
- Added proper handling for `SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority` - [#713](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/713) [#745](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/745)
- Fixed fixing potential bug when sending a nil url for UIButton+WebCache - [#761](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/761) [#763](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/763)
- Fixed issue [#529](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/529) - if the `cacheKeyFilter` was set, this was ignored when computing the `scaledImageForKey`. For most of the developers that did not set `cacheKeyFilter`, the code will work exactly the same - [eb91fdd](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/eb91fdd)
- Returning error in setImage completedBlock if the url was nil. Added `dispatch_main_async_safe` macro - [#505](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/505) [af3e4f8](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/af3e4f8)
- Avoid premature completion of prefetcher if request fails - [#751](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/751)
- Return nil from `SDScaledImageForKey` if the input image is nil - [#365](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/365) [#750](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/750)
- Do not load placeholder image if `SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder` option specified - [#780](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/780)
- Make sure we call the `startPrefetchingAtIndex:` method from main queue - [#694](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/694)
- Save image in cache before calling completion block - [#700](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/700)
- Fixed arm64 warnings - [#685](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/685) [#720](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/720) [#721](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/721) [#687](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/687)
- Improved logging - [#721](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/721)
- Added `SDWebImageCompat.m` to `SDWebImage+MKAnnotation` target
## [3.6 Fix and cleanup on Mar 24th, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.6)
## [3.5.4 ARM64 Support on Feb 24th, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.5.4)
## [3.5.3 on Jan 7th, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.5.3)
## [3.5.2 on Jan 2nd, 2014](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.5.2)
## [3.5.1 on Dec 3rd, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.5.1)
## [3.5 WebP Target, iOS 7, Fixes on Oct 4th, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.5)
- Fix iOS 7 related issues
- Move `WebP` support to a dedicated target
- Removed strong reference to `UIImageView` which was causing a crash in the nested block
- Fix timeout issue
- Add some methods that allow to check if an image exists on disk without taking it off disk and decompressing it first
## [3.4 Animated image category, bug fixes on Aug 13th, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.4)
- Add `calculateSizeWithCompletionBlock`
- Add multiple download of images for animationImages property of `UIImageView`
- Add background task for disk cleanup [#306](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/306)
- Fix dead thread issue on iOS 5 [#444](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/444), [#399](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/399), [#466](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/466)
- Make IO operations cancelable to fix perf issue with heavy images [#462](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/462)
- Fix crash `Collection <__NSArrayM: ...> was mutated while being enumerated.` [#471](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/471)
## [3.3 WebP, Animated GIF and more on Jun 14th, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.3)
- WebP image format support [#410](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/410)
- Animated GIF support [#375](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/375)
- Custom image cache search paths [#156](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/156)
- Bug fixes
## [3.2 Bug fixes on Mar 13th, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.2)
- `SDWebImageRefreshCached` download option [#326](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/326)
- New `SDWebImageManager` delegate methods [ebd63a88c1](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/commit/ebd63a88c116ac7acfbeded5c84d0fffa2443438)
- Fix long standing issue with alpha en JPEGs [#299](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/299)
- Add synchronous disk-cache loading method [#297](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/pull/297)
- Fix `SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly` flag
- Bug fixes
## [3.1 Bug fixes on Jan 21st, 2013](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.1)
## [3.0 Complete rewrite on Nov 29th, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/3.0)
- Complete rewrite of the library using `GCD`, `ARC`, `NSCache` and blocks
- Drop compatibility with iOS 3 and 4
## [2.7.4 Bug fixes on Nov 14th, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.7.4)
## [2.7.3 on Nov 3rd, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.7.3)
## [2.7.2 on Oct 23rd, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.7.2)
## [2.7.1 on Oct 19th, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.7.1)
## [2.7 on Sep 8th, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.7)
## [2.6 on May 4th, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.6)
## [2.5 on Mar 22nd, 2012](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.5)
## [2.4 on Oct 1st, 2011](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.4)
## [2.3 on Sep 16th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.3)
## [2.2 on Aug 29th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.2)
## [2.1.0 on Jun 12th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.1.0)
## [2.1 on Jun 12th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.1)
## [2.0.0 on Jun 9th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.0.0)
## [2.0 on Jun 9th, 2010](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/2.0)
## [1.0.0 on Dec 31st, 2009](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/1.0.0)
## [1.0 on Dec 31st, 2009](https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/releases/tag/1.0)