Since SDWebImageSwiftUI is built on top of SDWebImage, it provide both the out-of-box features as well as advanced powerful features you may want in real world Apps. Check our [Wiki]( when you need:
You can also get all benefits from the existing community around with SDWebImage. You can have massive image format support (GIF/APNG/WebP/HEIF/AVIF/SVG/PDF) via [Coder Plugins](, PhotoKit support via [SDWebImagePhotosPlugin](, Firebase integration via [FirebaseUI](, etc.
Besides all these features, we do optimization for SwiftUI, like Binding, View Modifier, using the same design pattern to become a good SwiftUI citizen.
This framework is under heavily development, it's recommended to use [the latest release]( as much as possible (including SDWebImage dependency).
The v1.0.0 version is now **on beta**, all the previous users are recommended to use, test and report issues. We need you feedback to drive the future development. The official version may released in February.
The v1.0.0 version provide all the function above, with the stable API, fully documentation and unit test. This framework follows [Semantic Versioning](
All issue reports, feature requests, contributions, and GitHub stars are welcomed. Hope for active feedback and promotion if you find this framework useful.
For App integration, you should using Xcode 11 or higher, to add this package to your App target. To do this, check [Adding Package Dependencies to Your App]( about the step by step tutorial using Xcode.
Note for any pre-release version like 1.0.0 beta, you should use the `Exact` dependency, or the `Range` dependency. Using `Up to next Major` does not resolve the pre-release version.
For downstream framework author, you should create a `Package.swift` file into your git repo, then add the following line to mark your framework dependent our SDWebImageSwiftUI.
Note for any pre-release version like 1.0.0 beta, you should use the SwiftPM [prereleaseIdentifiers]( API to specify it. The default `from:` does not resolve the pre-release version.
Note: This `WebImage` using `Image` for internal implementation, which is the best compatible for SwiftUI layout and animation system. In previous version, `WebImage` supports static image format only, because unlike `UIImageView` in UIKit, SwiftUI's `Image` does not support animated image or vector image.
Note: From v0.9.0, `WebImage` supports animated image as well! You can use `.animated()` to start animation. This is done by using the native SwiftUI rendering system and SDWebImage's powerful [Animated Player]( The `WebImage` animated image provide common use case, so it's still recommend to use `AnimatedImage` for advanced controls like progressive animation rendering.
.scaledToFit() // Attention to call it on AnimatedImage, but not `some View` after View Modifier (Swift Protocol Extension method is static dispatched)
Note: `AnimatedImage` supports both image url or image data for animated image format. Which use the SDWebImage's [Animated ImageView]( for internal implementation. Pay attention that since this base on UIKit/AppKit representable, some advanced SwiftUI layout and animation system may not work as expected. You may need UIKit/AppKit and Core Animation to modify the native view.
Note: From v0.9.0, `AnimatedImage` on watchOS drop the supports on watchOS, because of using hacks and private APIs. For watchOS user, choose `WebImage` instead.
Note: From v0.8.0, `AnimatedImage` on watchOS support all features the same as iOS/tvOS/macOS, including Animated WebP rendering, runloop mode, pausable, purgeable, playback rate, etc. It use the SDWebImage's [Animated Player](, which is the same backend engine for iOS/tvOS/macOS's Animated ImageView.
If you need simple animated image, use v0.9.0 above with `WebImage`. Which provide the basic animated image support. But it does not support progressive animation rendering, playback rate, etc.
If you need powerful animated image, `AnimatedImage` is the one to choose. Remember it supports static image as well, you don't need to check the format, just use as it.
But, because `AnimatedImage` use `UIViewRepresentable` and driven by UIKit, currently there may be some small incompatible issues between UIKit and SwiftUI layout and animation system, or bugs related to SwiftUI itself. We try our best to match SwiftUI behavior, and provide the same API as `WebImage`, which make it easy to switch between these two types if needed.
This framework is based on SDWebImage, which supports advanced customization and configuration to meet different users' demand.
You can register multiple coder plugins for external image format. You can register multiple caches (different paths and config), multiple loaders (URLSession and Photos URLs). You can control the cache expiration date, size, download priority, etc. All in our [wiki](
The best place to put these setup code for SwiftUI App, it's the `AppDelegate.swift`:
For more information, it's really recommended to check our demo, to learn detailed API usage. You can also have a check at the latest API documentation, for advanced usage.
SwiftUI's `Button` apply overlay to its content (except `Text`) by default, this is common mistake to write code like this, which cause strange behavior:
Instead, you must override the `.buttonStyle` to use the plain style, or the `.renderingMode` to use original mode. You can also use the `.onTapGesture` modifier for touch handling. See [How to disable the overlay color for images inside Button and NavigationLink](
SDWebImageSwiftUI from v0.10.0, supports to use when your App Target has a deployment target version less than iOS 13/macOS 10.15/tvOS 13/watchOS 6. Which will weak linking of SwiftUI(Combine) to allows writing code with available check at runtime.
You should notice that all the third party SwiftUI frameworks should have this build setting as well, not only just SDWebImageSwiftUI (we already added in v0.10.0). Or when running on iOS 12 device, it will trigger the runtime dyld error on startup.
+ Use CocoaPods or Carthage (SwiftPM does not support weak linking nor backward deployment currently)
For Carthage user, the built binary framework will use [Library Evolution]( to support for backward deployment.
+ [ViewInspector]( Inspect View's runtime attribute value (like `.frame` modifier, `.image` value). We use this to test `AnimatedImage` and `WebImage`. It also allows the inspect to native UIView/NSView, which we use to test `ActivityIndicator` and `ProgressIndicator`.
1. Run `carthage build` on root directory to install the dependency.
2. Open `SDWebImageSwiftUI.xcodeproj`, wait for SwiftPM finishing downloading the test dependency.
3. Choose `SDWebImageSwiftUITests` scheme and start testing.
We've already setup the CI pipeline, each PR will run the test case and upload the test report to [codecov](